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for applied philosophical questions about the study of science, the pursuit of scientific knowledge, and the scientific method

2 votes

Why scientific approach can't fully describe our reality?

Postmodernism is just trolling. Declaring all scientific work as "fake news" for any agenda, drawing on diverse examples of flawed science, illegitimate doubt is cast on all of science. Rational and j …
tkruse's user avatar
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1 vote

Scientifically is fate pre-written?

The universe is either deterministic or it is not. Not deterministic means there are sources of random so that there are multiple ways the future could happen. If so, due to chaos theory, even tiny ev …
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5 votes

Is parapsychology a science?

Parapsychology is today mainly a pseudoscience, since all honest attempts at detecting anything have failed to find conclusive evidence of anything not explainable by naturalism. So it appears that p …
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1 vote

Should all religions and science simply be called philosophies?

Yes, there is a difference. According to e.g. Wikipedia: Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and languag …
tkruse's user avatar
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1 vote

How can "life" begin at "conception"?

The word "life" has multiple meanings, obviously, and not a single one as implied by the question. For each meaning, the "beginning" is different. The one mentioned in the question seems most closely …
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-1 votes

Could the universe or any event within it have occurred otherwise, even if determinism was f...

Even if determinism was false [..] would this actually imply that the way events turned out could have happened otherwise? The most common interpretation would be that yes, in that case events could …
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2 votes

When did Occam's razor historically become a common methodological precept?

Nowadays, however, most consider it a cornerstone of science or a fundamental methodological rule that everyone is supposed to apply as if this were the case since the times of the inception of scien …
tkruse's user avatar
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-3 votes

What are the solutions to the is-ought gap problem?

The is-ought gap is not a philosophic problem, but a logical fallacy. It is "solved" by not making that fallacy. Same as for all other known logical fallacies. Morals that are objectively accepted by …
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0 votes

Does engineering have an intrinsic moral dimension?

Human life has an intrinsic moral dimension, and as such all we do has an intrinsic moral dimension. Engineering as done in the context of a human society thus has an intrinsic moral dimension just by …
tkruse's user avatar
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0 votes

How can a finite number of observations justify confidence in complex theories

The more inputs I test the more confidence I should have. But why? In the general all question, given a black box with infinite possible inputs and some output, and with unknown complexity, it is …
tkruse's user avatar
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0 votes

"You never know until you try"?

"Never try, never know" is not a philosophical trueism, it's a attempt to coerce people to try something outside their comfort zone. It can be categorized as a statement belonging to hedonism, the pur …
tkruse's user avatar
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0 votes

Can "Chance" be considered a metaphysic answer to the question of why evolution and similar ...

While I agree that randomness can play a role to have variations within a species (e.g. different skin, hair color, body mass, etc.) I don't accept chance as an explanation for new biomechanical feat …
tkruse's user avatar
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0 votes

Statements about real world

But when we make statements we use theories or maths in order to evaluate their truth value. Why we do that if the statements should be evaluated only according to real world? Because we already use …
tkruse's user avatar
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3 votes

Does the computational theory of mind explain anything?

At this point in time, i am not aware of a single complete unifying computational model of mind. Instead "Computational model of mind" seems more of a paradigm expecting that an actual model of mind w …
tkruse's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it "unscientific" to be sceptical without offering alternative explanations?

Like with morality, the key to this is the motivation for the doubt. Bob might remain unconvinced of pregnancy being caused by sexuality because Bob prefers magical thinking. Bob might remain unconvin …
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