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Questions tagged [hinduism]

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What is wrong with samsara and dukkha from the perspective of advaita philosophy? [migrated]

To my understanding, most Āstika schools of Hinduism view dukkha (suffering) and samsara (the cycle of life and death) as something bad, from which one should strive to be liberated (Moksha). This is ...
Ruben's user avatar
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Ontological equivalence in Hinduism?

So different interpretations of quantum mechanics lead to the same equations and consensus of quantum mechanics (like many worlds interpretation and Copenhagen). I dub this as ontologically equivalent....
More Anonymous's user avatar
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Self-duality (in category theory) and advaita (non-duality in metaphysics)

In category theory, there are self-dual objects, where A ≅ A∗ (A is isomorphic to its dual), with the strict, but possibly non-coherent, case being when A equals A∗ (see Selinger[??]). In some ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
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How did Krishna justify war?

In the Geeta in the Mahabharata, there's a moment where Krishna is asked by Arjun (to paraphrase): "if I withhold my vengeance so many lives will be saved. For what then should I proceed?" ...
More Anonymous's user avatar
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Advaita Vedanta and Zen Buddhism - Similarities and Differences

I asked a question about Zen Buddhism a few months ago, which called Mahayana (where Zen comes from) a fusion of Hinduism and Classic Buddhism. This would suggest strong similarities between Zen and ...
Cdn_Dev's user avatar
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Is there a biological description of "chakras" or is the concept of "chakras" mere pseudoscience?

It is widely claimed that we have many chakras(7 major chakras) situated at different locations along the spinal cord. Each of the chakras is said to be associated with certain energy channels, the ...
Shubham Kumar's user avatar
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Critique and criticism and counter to that, of the Karma doctrine of Indian religions?

The three main religions generally considered of Eastern origin - Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism - have a common doctrine of the concept of Karma-theory and subsequent infinite rebirth of the soul (...
Draupadi's user avatar
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Question about the Four Noble Truths

Are there many causes of "suffering" (the first noble truth) or do they all stem from one cause (namely, unsatisfactory impermanence)? Encyclopedia Britannica lists unsatisfactory ...
Bob's user avatar
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Is Absolute Idealism like Shankara's Advaita Vedanta of Hindu philosophy?

Advaita Vedanta of Shankara of Hindu philosophy is monistic. It postulates that the world is utterly manifestation of Brahman, and the sense of separateness of the Souls from Brahman is an illusion. ...
salah's user avatar
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8 answers

Is ancient indian philosophy outdated?

I know in the West one would be taught Western philosophy but even here in India generally, the colleges and unis don't teach ancient Indian philosophy (yes there are exceptions like IITs but very few)...
Rey Gomez's user avatar
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Does the "sin that dwelleth in me" corresponds to kundalini?

In the Letter to the Romans, the apostle Paul writes about "sin" as some entity that dwells in the human body. Now, I do believe that this entity corresponds to kundalini. sin entered into ...
donkeydown's user avatar
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Different between Buddhism and Solipsism

What is the difference between Buddhism, Hinduism and Solipsism? Do all these religion say that other people have no mind's? If all these religions are like solipsism, then are all Chinese and Hindus ...
Arnold's user avatar
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How do Advaitans respond to Hegel's Absolute Idealism?

I have read quite a bit of Hindu philosophy, particularly that of the Advaitan school, and I'm trying to improve my understanding of German Idealism. My understanding of Hegel's Absolute is that it is ...
Charlie's user avatar
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How common is the notion of God taking a break from work?

In Judeo-Christian tradition, the day when God finished creating the earth is the day of rest. “and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done. ” Does this idea appear in other ...
lrn2code's user avatar
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Is 'illusion' as viewed in indian philosophy founded on more fundamental concepts or experiences?

Concerning the concept of illusion of the world of common experience, as found in many systems of Indian philosophy, I am under the impression that it always comes as a "made-up" solution to ...
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