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Questions tagged [curry-howard-isomorphism]

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6 votes
5 answers

What is the relationship between algorithms and logic?

Is an algorithm (cooking a dish, Grover's/Shor algorithm, etc.) a form of deductive reasoning or inductive reasoning, and if not what exactly is the relationship between an alogorithm and logic?
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9 votes
2 answers

What is the philosophical meaning of the Curry-Howard correspondence?

I understand the Curry-Howard correspondence, and its usefulness, from a technical angle; but I don’t understand its philosophical implications. For example, does the resulting conceptualization of '...
provocateur's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Logic and Computation: a philosophical viewpoint on Curry-Howard isomorphism

The link between logic and computation is stronger than ever, especially since the establishment of the Curry-Howard isomorphism specifying that proofs can be seen as programs and formulas as program'...
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