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Jul 4 at 12:23 comment added mudskipper @Andy - I embellished the story a bit, but see: :)
Jul 4 at 9:20 comment added Andy @mudskipper "the Buddha transformed himself into a little rabbit to be eaten by a hungry tiger" wait, did that really happen?
Jul 4 at 9:16 comment added nigel222 This is an example of an hypothesis which cannot be refuted by logic. Scientists compare such a hypothesis to the null hypothesis (no such god exists). Is there any evidence that he/she/it does exist? Is there any experiment one can perform to determine whether or not it does? If neither, the hypothesis is useless and can be and should be ignored since it is uselessly more complicated than the null hypothesis. This is known as Occam's Razor. In everyday language, take the world as you find it and don't invent imaginary things to fear.
Jul 4 at 8:44 comment added causative @Rushi Anthropomorphism is a result of egocentrism. The properties of man are the properties of yourself, and so by projecting these properties onto the universe you inflate your self-image. Theists feel "special" that they are favored by God, especially if they can point to a lot of other people who aren't so favored. It damages their ego to think they are descended from an ape or from space dust.
Jul 4 at 7:54 comment added Rushi @causative While I've +1ed ur comment, the correct word I believe is anthropomorphic more than egoistic — the collective ego of the human species so to speak...
Jul 3 at 19:29 answer added Magmatic timeline score: 0
Jul 3 at 10:04 comment added Fabius Wiesner Not an expert of religions, however I don't think that your idea is totally original. In some way there are many "evil gods" in past (and current?) religions. Maybe your original idea is a god cheating in this life for torturing us after the death. Maybe original only because in the past, and also today outside of the wealthy areas of the world, this life is already hard for thinking of a worst afterlife. Anyway, there is nothing that guarantees us that there isn't an "evil god". But I think that 1) For believers, good news is that God is good; 2) For anyone, believer or not, we are NOT God.
Jul 3 at 8:30 answer added Piro timeline score: 0
Jul 3 at 4:50 answer added andrós timeline score: 1
Jul 2 at 23:13 comment added Ham Sandwich God is not a "boss man." He is Spirit.
Jul 2 at 17:16 answer added David timeline score: 2
Jul 2 at 15:56 comment added Michael Hall The first paragraph describes almost perfectly the idea and modus operandi of Satan. The good news, (if you believe...) is that there is also good to balance the evil, and a way out for believers.
Jul 2 at 14:42 comment added mudskipper Also, to act (or fail to act) in the hope of a future reward or out of fear for a future punishment shows a crude, childish, inherently authoritarian form of moral sense. It's unfortunate that many people raised in Abrahamic traditions seem to remain stuck in that.
Jul 2 at 14:31 comment added mudskipper It is profoundly anthropocentric. But the Buddha transformed himself into a little rabbit to be eaten by a hungry tiger :) Acts of kindness, even when apparently absurd, cannot be wiped out by future events.
Jul 2 at 13:54 answer added DKing timeline score: 2
Jul 2 at 13:49 answer added SacrificialEquation timeline score: 2
Jul 2 at 13:38 answer added Peter - Reinstate Monica timeline score: 13
Jul 2 at 10:57 answer added bauerdavid timeline score: 2
Jul 2 at 10:32 comment added causative It's just profoundly egocentric to imagine that the universe operates in a humanlike social hierarchy with a boss man at the top. Science has shown that humans are just one particular ape produced by randomized mechanical processes on one particular planet. Social hierarchies are just one particular adaptation of this one particular ape. It's grotesque to project it as something fundamental to the universe.
Jul 2 at 10:18 comment added Paul Tanenbaum I trust you truly do subscribe to the tenet that the pleasure one might derive from a proposition’s truth value cannot affect what that truth value actually is.
Jul 2 at 9:17 comment added MisterMiyagi "But when we die the evil god will reveal it's trolling, thus pulling the rug from under our feet, and then torment/afflict torture upon us forever." For a large fraction of humans, that is basically exactly what it would mean if one of the fire and brimstone religions were right.
Jul 2 at 8:56 answer added Kristian Berry timeline score: 0
Jul 2 at 7:45 answer added Rushi timeline score: -1
Jul 2 at 4:44 history became hot network question
Jul 1 at 23:59 comment added Scott Rowe Meditation with proper instruction can be helpful in overcoming negative states of mind.
Jul 1 at 22:32 review Close votes
2 days ago
Jul 1 at 22:17 comment added tkruse What goodness in this world requires or even permits for any supernatural influence?
Jul 1 at 21:29 answer added Groovy timeline score: 22
S Jul 1 at 20:39 review First questions
Jul 1 at 23:13
S Jul 1 at 20:39 history asked Aisha Edwards CC BY-SA 4.0