Dr David Cox

Team Leader: Behavioural Sciences



David Cox is a Principal Research Scientist and Team Leader of Behavioural Sciences at CSIRO Food and Nutrition, Adelaide, Australia. Since obtaining a PhD in the Faculty of Medicine (Human Nutrition) at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, University of London, he has focused upon food choice and acceptance (Behavioural Nutrition) both in terms of product choice and dietary choice. As a Post-Doc at the Institute of Food Research, UK he focused upon psycho-social and sensory predictors of food choices.

He joined CSIRO in 1998 continuing consumer work. David was a recipient of the One CSIRO award for helping to create the Food Futures Flagship project and led the Consumer Acceptance team resulting in a numerous publications on consumers’ acceptance of novel food technologies. This included psycho-social predictors of acceptance, choice modelling of alternative technologies and vehicle foods. Other work included motivations to consume functional foods and a particular interest in increasing vegetable consumption through a long relationship with the horticulture industry.

He has published more 70 papers in peer reviewed journals and three book chapters (Understanding Asian consumers, Food Choice and Meal patterns of Australian women). David is on the editorial board of the journals Food Quality and Preference and the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior and is much in demand as a reviewer for journals (including Appetite, International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity) and grants (e.g. NHMRC)

Other Interests

Current interests include sensory characteristics of diets through the development of a validated Sensory-Diet database, Using a trained sensory panel, tastes and textures of frequently consumed foods were measured then applied across the whole of diet (and supporting nutrient composition database) in order to investigate the sensory characteristics of whole diets and their implications for nutrient intakes and weight status. We have clients from primary industries interests in sensory drivers of dietary energy intake. We also hope to commercialise this unique database of over 700 foods described by basic tastes, textures and flavor intensity and linked to coded foods in nutrient composition databases.


Professional Areas