About Path Forward

Path Forward is a national nonprofit dedicated to empowering people to restart their careers after time spent focused on caregiving.

Our Vision
We envision a world where caregiving is recognized and valued, does not disproportionately hinder women’s career progression or economic opportunity, and where everyone can achieve their personal and professional dreams.

Our Mission
We are on a mission to empower caregivers to restart and advance their careers by creating a community of people of all genders who inspire, support, and uplift each other and by encouraging employers to expand opportunities and support programs for caregivers at all stages of their career.

Our Impact
We know how life changing our work can be. That’s because each day we’re lucky to hear from caregivers like Rena:

��I got a full time job offer today! I can’t begin to express how grateful I am to Path Forward. I have loved my returnship and am so thrilled. What you do for parents who chose to take a break from their career to raise their families and then want to return to the work world is amazing. I feel so lucky and appreciative. Thank you so much for all your hard work. It has made a huge difference in my life!” 

Learn more about why this work matters.

Annual Report

Our 2022 Annual Report tells the story of Path Forward and the impact of our work. We appreciate the many donors and friends who support our work to ensure that caregivers are seen, heard, and valued.

Path Forward 2022 Annual Report 0623 v1


View and download past annual reports: 2021