Changing your property status to open/bookable

Updated 4 months ago | 2 min read time

For travellers to find and book your property on our platform, you must set your property's status to open/bookable. You can do this once you’ve completed every step in our registration process.

What’s in this article:

Understanding what being open/bookable means

Being open/bookable means you’ve completed the registration on our platform and the essential steps to welcome guests. Once your status is set to open/bookable, you can see your property page on our platform as available for booking. Your property’s status in the extranet also appears highlighted as below: 


If you’re listing your property on other travel agency platforms, you can opt in using a channel manager to synchronise your calendars, but bear in mind it isn’t necessary in order to go open/bookable on

Changing your property’s status to open/bookable

You need to complete your registration on our platform before you can set your property's status to open/bookable. This means you should already have:

If your property still appears as closed, it may be because you’ve completed some of the steps in the registration process but other steps are still pending. Please refer to the above list and ensure you’ve ticked all the registration requirements.

Need more guidance on the steps to complete to become open/bookable? Check out additional New Partner information.

Read more


Please note that if you use a channel manager, you can manage your room or unit rates and load availability through your channel manager.

Going live on our platform

Once you’ve completed all the necessary verification steps, you’ll be able to set your property status to open/bookable. This means you’re ready to receive bookings. Here’s how to go live on our platform:

  1. Log in to the extranet
  2. Go to the Home tab
  3. On the homepage banner, click Make my property live

If you can’t see this banner, it could mean we still need to perform additional checks before your property can go live. We’ll inform you about those checks by displaying a banner on your extranet homepage. 

If you want to automatically go live once all the checks and verifications are complete, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Log in to the extranet
  2. Go to the Home tab
  3. On the homepage banner, click Automatically go live
  4. We’ll contact you once your property is live

In most cases, if you set your property’s availability as open for guests, you’ll instantly become open/bookable. To see what your live property listing looks like on our platform, click on your property’s profile picture in the extranet and either select View your property’s listing on or click on the property’s name.


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