Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams

Celebrity News

Inside Rudy Giuliani’s birthday party at Yankee Stadium

Tuesday night was Rudy’s 75th birthday.

Ask not Rudy who. Nureyev, no. Valentino, no. Rudolf Hess? Fie on him. And forget the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

A friends-and-family party with son Andrew, daughter Caroline and longtime old-time pals of former Mayor Rudolph William Louis Giuliani. Rudy’s personal list. Starting six weeks ago, we kept our mouths shut. A surprise party originally — but who can keep secrets from a man who keeps secrets?

The setting? Yankee Stadium. Owners Box. Time? 6 p.m. The San Diego Padres game was 6:35. The small dampness? Rain. The large happiness? Food. A mix of Arthur Avenue and Little Italy.

It was a love-in. Rudy made a speech. Due to an open mouth, he also went heavy on his favorite cannoli.

Price of pretty

So easy to look good. Serena Williams uses some electro- magnetic thing that sticks in a closet or something and personalizes your ugh-two-three. Hollywood Reporter reports Alicia Keys bought a workout mirror — whatever such might be — that uses electrometric data to do something to your somewhere for $1,495. Reese Witherspoon does at-home cycling on a Peloton bike that costs $2,245.

Unlikely face of Harvard

I have a not-for-sale uncorrected proof. Hachette’s Twelve publishes Haben Girma’s book in August. Title, “Haben.” Subtitle: “The Deafblind Woman Who Conquered Harvard Law.”

Daughter of an Eritrean refugee. Facing race, gender, financial limits, honored by NPR, BBC, Washington Post, Forbes, Americans With Disabilities, the White House, Bill Clinton, Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel.

The now disability-rights lawyer reports grit, determination, perseverance, American patriotism in an unaccommodating world and how such as she championed Harvard Law.

Already set for the “Today” show, Wall Street Journal, People magazine.

Despite hearing loss, Haben herself will read the audio version. Movie names being mentioned include Halle Berry, Kerry Washington and Lupita Nyong’o.

Listen, here’s what people are saying

Since ’05, the Sinanaj family’s owned and operated Ben & Jack’s Steakhouse on East 44th. They’re opening another. In Japan. On July 11. Take-home portions for sumo wrestlers . . . Hints for other eateries that claim they’re fully booked when they aren’t. To pretend, they’ll reserve you for 5:30 or 9 p.m. For a preferred hour, hang up. Call back an hour later. Authoritatively request booking for your superior, Ambassador Whoever. Make up a name. When you show at your reasonable 7:45, slip the maitre d’ a 20 . . . and then invite me.

Bits & pieces

James A. Fragale, whose new novel is “Breakthroughs!”, explains the name Beto O’Rourke (and don’t bet-o on him for president). “O” Anglicizes Ireland’s “ua,” meaning grandson. And that’s more interesting to learn than anything said on today’s TV newscasts . . . William Shakespeare, whose “King Lear” again reigns on Broadway, said, “Nothing can come of nothing.” It reminded me Disneyland opened 1955 in Anaheim. A 10-year-old did well selling 50-cent guide books. They then moved him into the magic shop. Name? Steve Martin.

“Ours is the only country which locks up a jury and lets the accused go home at night.”

Said only in New York’s Brooklyn court, kids, only at New York’s Brooklyn court.