Photo Credit: Michael Connor

Photo Credit: Michael Connor

Photo Credit: Wilbur Wong

Photo Credit: Wilbur Wong

Photo Credit: Michael Connor

Photo Credit: Michael Connor

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit Got Iromoto

Photo Credit Got Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

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Kayak Value Package!
Beginner Kayak Value Package

Similar to our Introduction to Sea Kayaking Day 1 and 2 combined, but in a different format. Build your experience over 4 nights plus a full day!

Skill level: Beginner

Kayak Value Package!
Kayak Performance Paddling Evenings

Four wonderful evenings of paddling proficiently to allow you to paddle further with less energy exerted and less hardship on the body.

Skill level: Beginner

Kayak Value Package!
Kayak Intermediate Fall Paddling Excursions

Perfect for those paddlers with experience looking to extend the paddling season with like-minded paddlers. Erik will help you achieve your short & long term paddling goals.

Skill level: Intermediate