Photo Credit: Michael Connor

Photo Credit: Michael Connor

Photo Credit: Wilbur Wong

Photo Credit: Wilbur Wong

Photo Credit: Michael Connor

Photo Credit: Michael Connor

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit Got Iromoto

Photo Credit Got Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photos from 2023 Season

What a great summer of paddling photos we captured this year. Thanks to all who took photos to spread the paddling joy, and sent them in. If you have more photos then email them to us at Thanks so much!