Photo Credit: Michael Connor

Photo Credit: Michael Connor

Photo Credit: Wilbur Wong

Photo Credit: Wilbur Wong

Photo Credit: Michael Connor

Photo Credit: Michael Connor

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit Got Iromoto

Photo Credit Got Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Photo Credit: Goh Iromoto

Opening Day June 1st!

Dave leading social paddle

Welcome to another great season on Toronto’s Waterfront! Visit our Rental Discount page for opening season discounts and to join our Paddlers mailing list. Our Big Voyageur Canoe Tours are back and we’ve added a Canoe Evening Course. We look forward to connecting you to our paddling community and Toronto’s Waterfront as we become your source for health and wellness – The Harbourfront Crew

Best way to get in touch is to email us.