Accessing Provider Studio

Use Provider Studio to work with all aspects of your Marketplace listings.

To navigate to Provider Studio:

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Provider Studio.


Follow the guided tour to learn how to get started listing data products on Snowflake Marketplace.

The home page provides a summary view of listing information. The tabs in the top navigation contain more detailed information.


View how consumers are using your listings and how your listings are performing. On the home page, a summary appears in Usage Trends. For more information, see Monitoring usage of your listing.


View or create listings. Select a listing to view the associated details. For more information, see Creating and publishing a listing, Modifying published listings, and Configuring listings.

Consumer Requests

View consumer requests, profile requests, listing requests, fulfillment requests, products awaiting publication, and more. On the Provider Studio home page, a summary appears in Action items. For more information, see Managing listing requests as a provider.


View or create profiles. To manage the details of a profile, including who can edit it, select a profile from the list. For more information, see Managing your provider profile.


View resources to help you explore Marketplace capabilities and requirements. To explore Marketplace documentation, see About sharing with listings.


Review the most recent announcements from Snowflake on the Provider Studio home page.