OpenJDK Web Group

The Web Group consists of those individuals interested in the general content structure, design layout, and website administration of

If you are interested in following these discussions, we invite you to join the web-discuss mailing list.


The site where anyone may report and anonymously view bugs.

The JDK Bug System. Anyone may view the bugs. Authors, Committers, and Reviewers as listed in the Census may modify existing issues and create new issues. The system overview provides additional information.

CR Server

This website provides a public way for Authors, Committers, and Reviewers to share materials or other artifacts related to the OpenJDK Community such as documents or build logs.

Source Code

The Git server which hosts all of the active OpenJDK Project repositories. Anyone may view the source using a web browser or copy it using git clone. See the Developers' Guide, Cloning the JDK for information about cloning.

The OpenJDK Mercurial server which hosts selected archives of repositories which have moved to Git. Repositories are organized by Project. Anyone may view the source using a web browser or copy it using hg clone.

A fast, simple list of all of the repositories on the OpenJDK Mercurial server.


The OpenJDK wiki which compliments the content of Learn more by visiting the FAQ.