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Mosquito Larvae Hunters Guide

Completing the guide prepares you to participate in GLOBE Mission Mosquito. This international field campaign is connecting citizen scientists of all ages to monitor changes in the frequency, range, and distribution of potential disease vector mosquitoes by reporting observations using the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper.

Website for the Mosquito Larvae Hunters Guide

Build a Mosquito Larvae Trap

Build a do-it-yourself mosquito trap using simple materials. The trap tricks mosquitoes into laying their eggs in a container that the larvae can’t escape. You can then report the larvae using the Mosquito Habitat Mapper tool in the GLOBE Observer app. Set up a trap and monitor it over time to track when mosquitoes are appearing in your area.

Video demonstrating how to build a mosquito trap

Conducting a Mosquito Habitat Survey

Instructions and a paper data sheet to do a survey of mosquito habitats over several days. This is one of the activities in the Mission Mosquito Science Notebook, and is intended to supplement the use of the Mosquito Habitat Mapper tool in the GLOBE Observer app.

Conducting a Mosquito Habitat Survey (PDF)

Website with the rest of the Mission Mosquito Science Notebook

Mosquito Larvae Hunters: Level 1 Training

This activity helps build the skills and knowledge required for finding and identifying mosquito larvae specimens.

Color PDF (4.4 MB)

Mosquito Larvae Hunters: Level 2 Training

This resource serves as a guided key to visual identification of mosquito larvae species.

Color PDF (8.9 MB)

Mosquito Proboscis: Mechanics of a Bite

An activity to teach how mosquitoes use their proboscis to bite, including a diagram, video, and poem. This is one of the activities from the Mission Mosquito Science Notebook.

Mosquito Proboscis: Mechanics of a Bite (PDF)

Website with the rest of the Mission Mosquito Science Notebook

Mosquito Tellers

Learn facts about mosquitoes with these five foldable Mosquito Tellers on the topics of prevention and protection, mosquito biology, West Nile virus, zika and dengue, and malaria. You can also use the blank template to make your own.

Full Color Version (PDF)

Blank, DIY Version (PDF)

Grayscale, Low-Ink Version (PDF)

Mosquito Habitats and Hideouts Activity

Gain familiarity with the variety of container mosquito habitats, hideouts, and life cycle stages with these games! Mosquito Habitats and Hideouts can be played three different ways: Bingo, Name That Habitat, or Sketch That Habitat.

Hideouts Activity Guide (PDF)

Hideouts Bingo Boards (PDF)

Hideouts Call Slides (PPT)

Video demonstration of the activity

Family Phenology Fun

Phenology is the study of cyclic and seasonal events in the lives of plants and animals and how those events are influenced by climate. This activity investigates the phenology of mosquitoes.

From Satellites to Your Backyard - GPM Precipitation Data

Precipitation impacts mosquito populations, and one way to measure precipitation is from satellites, including some of NASA's more than two dozen Earth-observing satellites. This activity will show you how to access NASA precipitation data for your specific location.

Mission Mosquito Science Notebook

This guided exploration notebook introduces learners to using scientific notebooks to make observations and ask questions, while also incorporating information and activities that build relevant background knowledge, confidence in independent learning and research, and engagement in science. At the website link, you can download PDF versions of the notebook in full color or black and white, as well as a companion guide for parents and facilitators.

Website for the Mission Mosquito Science Notebook

Mission Mosquito Science Notebook - Companion Guide

A handy guide for parents and those that are working with young people.

Color PDF


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Beyond the Bite: Mosquito Disease Guide

This guide provides background information on the biology, pathology, and history of seven common mosquito-borne diseases: chikungunya, dengue, eastern equine encephalitis, malaria, West Nile virus, yellow fever, and Zika virus.

View the guide online (English)

Guide in English (PDF)

Guía en español (PDF)

Guia em portugues (PDF)

Know Your Mosquitoes

Comparative guide to the types of mosquitoes from the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper.

Larval Body Parts

Comparative illustrations of mosquito anatomy at all life stages.

Mosquito FAQs

Frequently asked questions about mosquitoes and the mosquito habitat mapper.

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Build a Mosquito Larvae Trap Activity Demo

[10:38] In this video, Dr. Rusty Low shows you how to build a do-it-yourself mosquito trap using simple materials. The trap tricks mosquitoes into laying their eggs in a container that the larvae can’t escape. You can then report the larvae using the Mosquito Habitat Mapper tool in the GLOBE Observer app. You will also see examples of traps built by students, along with an explanation of how they are using the traps in their own investigations.

Full instructions for the activity (PDF)

Fight Zika with NASA GLOBE Observer's Mosquito Habitat Mapper

[3:14] Promotional video for GLOBE Observer: Mosquito Habitat Mapper.

GLOBE Observer: Mosquito Habitat Mapper - Getting Started (Basic)

[2:15] Learn how to make a basic mosquito habitat observation using the GLOBE Observer app.

Video with narration

Video without narration


GLOBE Observer: Mosquito Habitat Mapper - Getting Started (Sample Collection)

[3:41] Learn how to take samples of mosquito larvae during a Mosquito Habitat Mapper Observation

Video with narration

Video without narration


GLOBE Mission Mosquito Webinars

A page with recordings of past webinars hosted by the GLOBE Mission Mosquito team on a variety of mosquito-related topics.

GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper Intro

[2:29] GLOBE Observer's Mosquito Habitat Mapper allows you to identify and document where mosquitoes are breeding. This video gives a brief overview of how it works.

Mosquito Habitats and Hideouts Activity Demo

The Mosquito Habitats and Hideouts activity helps you gain familiarity with the variety of container mosquito habitats, hideouts, and life cycle stages using games. The video shows the three ways to play: Bingo, Name That Habitat, or Sketch That Habitat.

Hideouts Activity Guide (PDF)

Hideouts Bingo Boards (PDF)

Hideouts Call Slides (PPT)

Mosquito Meets MODIS

[6:53] South Dakota is the U.S. hotspot for West Nile disease. Scientists and public health officials there have developed a way to use environmental data from NASA satellites to forecast the risk of West Nile. They’re giving people working on preventing the disease an important new tool for protecting the population.

Predicting Malaria Outbreaks with NASA Satellites

[4:17] University researchers have turned to data from NASA’s fleet of Earth-observing satellites, which are able to track the types of human and environmental events that typically precede an outbreak. With funding from NASA’s Applied Sciences Program, they are working in partnership with the Peruvian government to develop a system that uses satellite and other data to help forecast outbreaks at the household level months in advance and prevent outbreaks.


Volunteer Scientist Panel Video

[11:10] A video showcasing stories from GLOBE volunteers about how they got started with GLOBE and the GLOBE Observer app, and connections they have made to research and to using GLOBE in their communities. This was originally shown as part of the GLOBE Observer Connection-Conversation-Celebration (C3) event held on 26 July 2022.

Full GO C3 event page

Watch video

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Mosquito Books for Kids

Mosquito Books for Teens and Adults


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Zika Zine: The Story of Three Aedes Mosquitoes and the Zika Within Them

The fictional mosquitoes in the Zika Zine do the same sorts of things as real Aedes mosquitoes, which carry Zika virus. Read the Zine, learn how Aedes mosquitoes live, and you’ll discover how to reduce the number of places where mosquitoes can survive. After you’ve read the Zika Zine, download the coloring pages, How to Draw Wanda in 9 Easy Steps and Make Your Own Zika Zine Comic to create your own mosquito pictures and stories.

Zika Zine webpage (including translations into Spanish, French, Portuguese, and more)

How to Draw Wanda in 9 Easy Steps (PDF)

Make Your Own Zika Zine Comic (PDF)

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GLOBE Observer: Mosquito Habitat Mapper - Getting Started (Basic)

[2:15] Learn how to make a basic mosquito habitat observation using the GLOBE Observer app.

Video with narration

Video without narration


GLOBE Observer: Mosquito Habitat Mapper - Getting Started (Sample Collection)

[3:41] Learn how to take samples of mosquito larvae during a Mosquito Habitat Mapper Observation

Video with narration

Video without narration


Mosquito Habitat Mapper Infographic

A step-by-step infographic on the use of the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper tool.

Static Infographic (PDF)

Interactive ePub file (requires ePub reader)

Full Screen, Interactive Infographic

Mosquito Habitat Photo Challenge Photo Tips Handout

This handout describes the process of taking mosquito habitat and land cover observations during the Mosquito Habitat Photo Challenge, and gives tips about how to take high-quality mosquito larvae photos.

Step-by-Step Mosquito Habitat Mapper Tutorial

Step-by-step illustrated guide to collecting specimens and observations with the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper.