MMA star Sidy Rocha tries fighting through broken arm in gruesome video

Sidy Rocha suffered a horrifying broken arm last weekend during a shocking encounter against Karine Silva.

The MMA star suffered a fright on Halloween during the co-main event at the Standout Fighting Tournament (SFT) promotion in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Rocha and Silva (13-4) were in the middle of a back-and-forth contest featuring several submission attempts before the eye-watering moment occurred.

Rocha (12-8-2) was caught in an armbar submission by her 26-year-old opponent.

She attempted to fight through the hold when agonizingly her forearm gave way. That led to it contorting at a grotesque angle as viewers looked on in disbelief.

Amazingly, Rocha bravely attempted to fight on before the referee intervened to stop it to secure victory for Brazilian prospect Silva. He instantly called for medics to check over the injured star. says Rocha will consult further with medics prior to undergoing an operation on the injury.

Rocha’s gruesome break is the latest sick incident to occur courtesy of an armbar submission.

Former UFC heavyweight champion Frank Mir infamously used the move to snap Tim Sylvia’s arm back in 2004.

But that is not the only time he has snapped an opponent’s arm.

In December 2011 he broke former PRIDE title holder Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira’s arm with a Kimura.