
Bryan Cranston zings moms who hate ‘Breaking Bad’ toys

Bryan Cranston has something to say to those moms who have called for the removal of “Breaking Bad” figurines from Toys “R” Us.

Susan Myers from Florida started the petition, which has now been signed by more than 7,000 people, after she found out about the controversial toys.

The Walter White character, portrayed by Cranston in the hit show about a chemistry teacher who becomes a meth kingpin, comes carrying a gun and with a detachable bag of cash and one of meth.

Susan Myers’s petition has garnered more than 7,000

“Toys R Us is well known around the world for their vast selection of toys for children of all ages. However their decision to sell a Breaking Bad doll, complete with a detachable sack of cash and a bag of meth, alongside children’s toys is a dangerous deviation from their family friendly values,” the petition says.

“While the show may be compelling viewing for adults, its violent content and celebration of the drug trade make this collection unsuitable to be sold alongside Barbie dolls and Disney characters.”

Now, Cranston has hit back, taking to Twitter to make light about the petition.

In a statement Toys “R” Us defended selling the figurines.

“The products you reference are carried in very limited quantities and the product packaging clearly notes that the items are intended for ages 15 and up. Items from this TV series are located in the adult action figure area of our stores,” it said.