Remove Breaking Bad dolls from their shelves

Remove Breaking Bad dolls from their shelves

October 11, 2014
Petition to
Toys 'R' Us
This petition made change with 9,181 supporters!

Why this petition matters

Started by Susan Myers

Toys R Us is well known around the world for their vast selection of toys for children of all ages. However their decision to sell a Breaking Bad doll, complete with a detachable sack of cash and a bag of meth, alongside children’s toys is a dangerous deviation from their family friendly values. That’s why I’m calling on Toys R Us to immediately stop selling the Breaking Bad doll collection in their stores and on their website. 

Sony Pictures Television has recently partnered with Toys R Us to release a collection of dolls based on the characters from Breaking Bad. The show centers on the story of a high school chemistry teacher who becomes a drug kingpin in order to make ends meet. While the show may be compelling viewing for adults, its violent content and celebration of the drug trade make this collection unsuitable to be sold alongside Barbie dolls and Disney characters.

Parents and grandparents around the world shop at Toys R Us, online and in stories, with their children and should not be forced to explain why a certain toy comes with a bag of highly dangerous and illegal drugs or why someone who sells those drugs deserves to be made into an action figure.

Please sign to join me in asking Toys R Us to stop selling the Breaking Bad dolls and return to the family focused atmosphere for which they are known.


This petition made change with 9,181 supporters!

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