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House Democrats

  1. liveblog
    U.S. President Joe Biden
    Biden Resistance Appears to Be Waning in CongressA sizable number of Democratic lawmakers have expressed concerns about Biden’s ability to beat Trump. But will they do anything?
  2. ukraine aid
    Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Motion to Vacate
    Under Threat From Marjorie Taylor Greene, GOP Speaker Faces Fateful ChoiceMike Johnson, still relatively new to the job, must pick between abondoning Ukraine or relying on Democrats to save his gavel.
  3. early and often
    Now You Can Read Trump’s Tax ReturnsHere are some of the new revelations in the thousands of pages of documents released Friday by the House Ways and Means Committee.
  4. the system
    Speaker of the EstablishmentHakeem Jeffries is poised to become House Democrats’ next leader, but that’s not necessarily a sign of progress.
  5. foreign interests
    Pelosi Leads House Delegation to Ukraine As War Slowly Grinds OnOne analysis has suggested that Russia’s newest main offensive has stalled.
  6. house democrats
    Pelosi’s Successor Will Face Bigger Problems Than ‘Democrats in Disarray’Factional conflicts won’t be as big of a headache for the next Speaker if the midterms shift the balance of power in Washington.
  7. politics
    House Passes $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill, Delays Social-Spending BillThe seemingly eternal Infrastructure Week is finally almost over, but House Democrats delayed action on the Build Back Better social-spending bill.
  8. politics
    Biden Backs Progressives Amid Capitol Hill ImpasseIn a meeting with the House Democratic caucus, Biden insisted that passing the infrastructure bill must be linked to the reconciliation bill.
  9. politics
    Will Progressives Really Sink Joe Biden’s Agenda?Congressional Democrats’ high-stakes internal standoff is about to come to a head.
  10. explainer
    Why Pelosi and Moderate Democrats Are in a Standoff Over Biden’s AgendaPelosi will try to pick off enough moderate rebels to get a budget resolution passed, but she may have to cut deals and shift her timetable.
  11. infrastructure
    Democrats Are Locked In a Staring Contest Over InfrastructureThe question is whether liberals or moderates will blink first.
  12. midterms
    Democrats’ Odds of Keeping the House Are Slimming FastWith redistricting reform stalled in Congress, and Democratic turnout weak in special elections, the GOP is cruising to House control.
  13. politics
    Could the Atlanta Spa Shootings Break Congress’s Gun-Control Impasse?The Georgia killings add fresh urgency to two gun bills that just passed in the House, but the GOP Senate filibuster still stands in the way.
  14. conservatism
    GOP Decides Equal Representation Is an ‘Assault on Democracy’In making the case against Democratic election reforms, conservatives are arguing that “states’ rights” are more important than equal citizenship.
  15. politics
    House Votes To Override Trump Veto for the First TimeThe president vetoed the annual defense authorization bill, partially to protect Confederate-named installations. The key vote will be in the Senate.
  16. 2020 elections
    Democrats Didn’t Have As Bad an Election As You Might ThinkThe conventional wisdom is that Biden won but his party “lost” the battle for the House and the Senate. That’s not really true.
  17. 2020 elections
    Republicans Make Shocking Gains in the HouseDemocrats were expected to win several seats, but will instead lose a handful. Nancy Pelosi now faces a potential revolt.
  18. coronavirus stimulus
    Last-Gasp Stimulus Talks Proceed With Time Running OutA compromise bill brought the previously successful negotiating team of Steven Mnuchin and Nancy Pelosi to the table.
  19. coronavirus stimulus
    Pelosi to Test How Badly Trump Wants His Signature on More Stimulus ChecksThe ballgame may now depend on whether Trump wants his signature on a second round of $1,200 stimulus checks badly enough to accept Pelosi’s deal.
  20. police reform
    Senate Democrats Stall Republican Police-Reform Bill to Force NegotiationsBipartisan negotiations will have to occur unless both parties are satisfied with their positions on this subject going into November.
  21. police reform
    Competing Police-Reform Bills Quickly Emerge in CongressThe biggest potential deal-breaker is the Democrats’ call for stripping police officers of “qualified immunity” against lawsuits.
  22. george floyd protests
    Republicans May ‘Defund the Police’ With Budget Cuts Forced by the CoronavirusRepublicans blocking aid to state and local governments are hurting their friends in blue.
  23. coronavirus
    Republicans Are Trying to Force the House to Vote in PersonThe “reopen America” message trumps generations of anti-Washington rhetoric.
  24. coronavirus stimulus
    Dems Nix Anti-Recession Policy After Learning It Would Help Too Many PeoplePelosi cut automatic stabilizers from her party’s messaging bill because a CBO score made the policy look expensive (because it helps so many).
  25. coronavirus stimulus
    Senate Republicans Want to Protect Corporations in Any New Stimulus DealWhile calling for a pause in stimulus legislation, Republicans do hear cries for help from corporate leaders, which may make them cut a deal.
  26. coronavirus
    Lobbyists Swarm as Congress Prepares Massive Aid BillWhen the dinner bell rings, all sorts of hungry industries are making a case that they need help.
  27. impeachment
    House Prosecutors, Trump Lawyers File Dueling Impeachment BriefsTrump is either the “framers’ worst nightmare” or a completely innocent victim, depending on which memo you read.
  28. impeachment
    Assessing Nancy Pelosi’s Impeachment Wins and LossesThe final verdict on this skillful Speaker’s strategy won’t come until after the election, but she’s already achieved some goals and failed at others.
  29. impeachment
    Schumer and McConnell Play Chess Over Impeachment Trial RulesBoth parties want witnesses the other side opposes. Despite the posturing, a short trial with no testimony from John Bolton or the Bidens is likely.
  30. impeachment
    What We Can Learn From the First Presidential ImpeachmentLike Trump, Andrew Johnson defied Congress and the Constitution in multiple ways that were hard to capture in articles of impeachment.
  31. house democrats
    Nancy Pelosi’s Drug Plan Pits Trump’s Base Against GOP OrthodoxyPrice controls on prescription drugs are deeply popular with the GOP’s aging base — and deeply antithetical to GOP lawmakers’ ideology.
  32. house democrats
    AOC Sets Limits on Intra-Party WarfareAOC’s former chief-of-staff called a broad swath of Democratic members no better than bigots. She’s making it clear that’s over the line.
  33. impeachment
    Almost Half of House Democrats Now Support ImpeachmentThe Mueller hearings seemed to have moved the needle within the Democratic caucus, but not anywhere else.
  34. inexperience
    President Trump Disdains Inexperience When It’s Not His or His Administration’sTrump’s latest tweets deride AOC and Ilhan Omar for their ‘inexperience.’ He also wanted Ivanka, who is ‘good with numbers,’ to run the World Bank.
  35. house democrats
    Moderate Democrats Say AOC Is Distracting From Their Nonexistent MessageInstead of complaining that “the squad” is a distraction, moderates should spotlight all the unpopular policies that Trump doesn’t want to defend.
  36. immigrant detention
    AOC’s Detention-Camp EtiquetteAmid squalid conditions, conservative media was most concerned that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez might have yelled at a detention-center guard.
  37. vision 2020
    The Democrats Aren’t a Left-Wing Party — They Just Play One on TVProgressives call the shots on debate stages. But in Congress, moderates still have the wheel.
  38. vision 2020
    Why the House Probably Won’t Flip in 2020The House bears watching because Democrats are holding a lot of districts Trump carried in 2016, but so far signs are good for Pelosi’s team.
  39. mueller time
    House Democrats Strike Deal With DOJ for Mueller Report DetailsIn return, the House will not vote on holding Barr in contempt. It’s a truce, not a treaty, in the war between Democrats and the Trump administration.
  40. impeachment
    Does Trump Want to Be Impeached?Is the president one step ahead of his opponents?
  41. tax returns
    Judge Approves Subpoena of Trump’s Records With Deutsche Bank, Capital OneThe Trump family argued that House Democrats had no legitimate purpose for seeking the president’s financial records. A federal judge disagreed.
  42. trump tax returns
    Mnuchin Refuses to Comply With Trump Tax Return Subpoena From CongressThe Treasury secretary shows his contempt for Congress, but he apparently won’t be held in contempt of Congress.
  43. health care
    Democrats Respond to Trump Attack on Obamacare With Their Own Plan to Protect ItPelosi and House Democrats are trying to redraw the health-care battle lines to where they were in the midterms, to their benefit.
  44. bipartisanship
    House Republicans Accuse Dems of Sabotaging Bipartisan BillsPelosi’s caucus is allegedly denying vulnerable GOP moderates the opportunity to support bipartisan bills. Let’s hope that’s true.
  45. the democrats
    House Democratic Establishment Declares War on DemocracyThe DCCC just announced that it will blacklist any campaign vendor that works on a primary challenge to a Democratic incumbent.
  46. politics
    Pelosi, AOC Warn Moderate Democrats to Stop Voting With the GOPThe spat over gun-vote defections shows Pelosi may have to choose between imposing party discipline on moderates, or moving fewer “messaging” bills.
  47. presidential harassment
    GOP Warns That Releasing Trump’s Taxes Could Lead to Further TransparencyRepublicans say exposing Trump’s conflicts of interest is a slippery slope that would lead to exposing all politicians’ conflicts of interest.
  48. impeachment
    Republican Solidarity Will Protect Trump From ImpeachmentHistory shows that impeachment efforts tend to tighten the bonds between president and party. With Trump’s party controlling the Senate, that’s big.
  49. voting rights
    House Democrats Aim to Make Voting Rights a National PriorityTheir bill isn’t an immediate fix, but treating voting as a national issue rather than a state-level problem could pay dividends down the road.
  50. house democrats
    Democrats Are Fighting About Whether Deficits Matter. That’s Good.For decades, the Democratic Party was united in its reverence for balanced budgets. Now, that (regressive) consensus is dead.
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