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Elizabeth Warren

  1. patriot act two
    Here’s What a Hasan Minhaj–Hosted Daily Show Would Look LikeThe comedian asks Elizabeth Warren about President Biden’s mental fitness in the premiere episode of his YouTube series.
  2. the money game
    Is the Federal Government Trying to Kill Off Crypto?The industry sure thinks so. The White House denies it. Who’s right?
  3. power
    Elizabeth Warren Is Still FuriousThe senator spoke with the Cut about the threat to Roe, recent mass shootings, and why “we don’t have the luxury of quitting.”
  4. power
    Elizabeth Warren Is Mad As Hell“We’ve heard enough from extremists, and we’re tired.”
  5. power
    25 Famous Female Leaders on PowerPoliticians, CEOs, and activists on what it means to lead.
  6. the inside game
    What Joe Biden’s 1988 White House Rivals Think of Him NowMore than three decades have passed. Some things have changed — and many haven’t.
  7. vision 2024
    Has Trump Spoiled the GOP for More Rational Leaders?If Trump doesn’t run in 2024, other Republican presidential contenders will have a hard time rivaling his unique demagogic appeal.
  8. the national interest
    Elizabeth Warren’s Book Shows She Has No Idea Why Her Campaign FailedPersist is an account of a campaign bubble that doesn’t know it was in a bubble.
  9. supreme court
    Justice Barrett Gets Big Book Deal to Tell Readers What They Don’t Want to HearThe justice’s book will explain that personal feelings don’t matter to judges. Her assumed personal feelings on abortion are why she’s on the Court.
  10. impeachment
    Trump’s Defense for Inciting the Mob: Everybody’s Fighting!A video of Democrats saying the words fight or fighting was put together by his lawyers, likely for Trump’s entertainment.
  11. vision 2020
    Was Joe Biden the Most Electable Democrat After All?We’ll never know if one of Biden’s rivals might have done better in 2020. But his narrow win suggests Democrats need to build a stronger coalition.
  12. the next act
    Here’s Who Biden Is Considering for Top Jobs in His AdministrationHe still needs to win, of course. But campaign documents and sources close to Biden suggest how the cabinet could take shape.
  13. abortion rights
    We Know Exactly How Amy Coney Barrett Feels About AbortionDon’t let Republicans pretend otherwise.
  14. 2020 democratic convention
    13 Days That Shook the Political EarthLeft for dead by some after New Hampshire, Joe Biden’s brisk comeback was one for the ages.
  15. dnc 2020
    Colbert Takes Late Show Live for DNC With Bernie Sanders, Hillary ClintonSusan Rice and Elizabeth Warren will also stop by, virtually.
  16. vision 2020
    What’s the Latest With Biden’s VP Pick and Announcement?Biden announced on Tuesday afternoon that he has chosen Senator Kamala Harris to be his running mate .
  17. vision 2020
    How the Final Stretch of Biden’s VP Search Is Playing OutIt’s been an abnormal, increasingly contentious process, but the wait is finally almost over.
  18. vision 2020
    Elizabeth Warren Is Still CampaigningThere’s only one person she’s trying to win over, and he’s listening.
  19. vision 2020
    Not Much ‘Democratic Disarray’ in 2020Polling indicates that backers of Biden’s primary rivals are falling into line much more solidly than did Sanders supporters in 2016.
  20. vision 2020
    Trump Picked the Wrong Hostage in Battle Over Confederate-Named Military BasesSenator Chuck Grassley predicts that Republicans will override Trump if he vetoes the defense bill to block the renaming of military bases.
  21. supreme court
    Supreme Court Restricts Independence of CFPB, But Doesn’t Kill ItIt was a glass-half-full, glass-half-empty decision that displeased those who want to kill or insulate independent agencies.
  22. vision 2020
    Trump Needs an Opponent to Demonize. It’s Hard to Do That to Uncle Joe.Trump has tried and failed so far to undermine Joe Biden the way he did Hillary Clinton. He may get really desperate.
  23. vision 2020
    Biden Ally Chris Coons Cracks Open a Door to Filibuster ReformIt’s possible that a President Biden wouldn’t have to spend too much time begging Republicans not to remain obstructionists.
  24. vision 2020
    Why Do Democrats Keep Embarrassing Themselves on ‘The Breakfast Club’?“If you have a problem figuring out if you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” Joe Biden said on the hip-hop morning show.
  25. vision 2020
    Could Biden Move Left on National Security?His party-unifying repositioning on domestic policy might extend to such topics as the Pentagon spending cuts that Sanders and Warren have promoted.
  26. the left
    Why Americans Don’t Vote Their Class AnymoreDeclining unions — and rising educational attainment — have left college-educated whites more left wing than non-college-educated ones.
  27. obit
    Elizabeth Warren’s Brother Has Died of CoronavirusDon Reed Herring was 86. In a tribute, Warren called him “charming and funny, a natural leader.”
  28. vision 2020
    Biden’s VP Should Meet These 4 Criteria (But Won’t)All of the finalists in the Democratic “veepstakes” have flaws.
  29. vision 2020
    Watch Elizabeth Warren’s Endorsement of Joe Biden“Joe Biden is a selfless public servant. He is committed to the fight for social, racial, and economic justice.”
  30. vision 2020
    How Biden Can Respond to the Left’s Demand for Medicare for AllBiden’s first “concessions” on health-care policy aren’t enough to satisfy progressives. He might want to emulate Warren’s two-step plan.
  31. vision 2020
    Bernie Sanders Was Also Done In by Bad LuckSanders did some things well and a few poorly in his 2020 bid. But from Bloomberg’s crash to the pandemic, some obstacles were out of his control.
  32. vision 2020
    No, Warren Didn’t Rob Bernie of the NominationContra Trump, Biden’s margin over Sanders exceeded Warren’s total vote in many states, and her supporters’ second-place support was closely divided.
  33. politics
    Seth Meyers to Interview Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren This WeekLate Night will return to TV this week with new and previously aired segments. And these two.
  34. vision 2020
    Ex-Campaign Staff Suing Bloomberg For Broken Salary PromisesThey thought they had steady, well-paid jobs through November. But then they got laid off at the worst possible time.
  35. vision 2020
    Now’s the Time for a Biden-Warren TicketChoosing Warren as running mate posthaste would not only help unify the Democratic Party quickly, but would elevate a figure as serious as the times.
  36. vision 2020
    The Meaning of Biden’s Promise to Choose a Woman Running MateIn one sense it’s a consolation prize. In another, a meaningful sign of progress in the Democratic party.
  37. power
    This Is How the Establishment Maintains Its GripIt gets ideological allies to replicate its attitudes and aim them at each other.
  38. feminism
    Why Should We Want a Woman President?A woman president would make history. That isn’t enough.
  39. vision 2020
    Inside the Race to Win Over Elizabeth WarrenBernie Sanders and Joe Biden both want her support, but this is one situation Warren doesn’t have a plan for.
  40. tiktok
    Elizabeth Warren Has a Plan for TikTokBut she hasn’t done the renegade just yet.
  41. snl
    Elizabeth Warren Pops by SNL’s Cold Open, Has No RegretsShe’s doing just fine.
  42. reading the signs
    The Battle Cry of the ‘Schoolmarm’I thought I was a scholar, but apparently I’m just a scold.
  43. intelligencer chats
    What Doomed Elizabeth Warren’s Candidacy?Trying to figure out why a one-time front-runner never quite hit liftoff.
  44. politics
    Brace Yourself for Second PlaceA female VP isn’t nice; it’s strategic. And for many, a tough pill to swallow.
  45. no plan for this
    Despite All the Baggage, I Still Carried a Torch for WarrenMourning the end of a campaign I’d finally come around to.
  46. 2020 election
    Elizabeth Warren Changed Things Just by RunningHere’s what she had to say about her historic campaign.
  47. the national interest
    Why Elizabeth Warren Should Leverage Her Endorsement for Joe BidenShe has something valuable to trade, and some important goals to trade it for.
  48. so you want to be president
    ‘I Just Really Wanted to Vote for Her’Reactions to Elizabeth Warren dropping out of the race.
  49. so you want to be president
    Elizabeth Warren Is Dropping Out of the RaceThe progressive champion is ending her presidential campaign.
  50. democratic primaries
    Elizabeth Warren Drops Out of Presidential RaceThe Massachusetts senator’s exit leaves Joe Biden, Tulsi Gabbard, and Bernie Sanders as the last remaining Democrats in the race.
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