Displaying all articles tagged:

Christine Ford

  1. virginia
    Scandal Engulfs Virginia’s Top 3 State OfficeholdersThe governor and attorney general wore blackface. The lieutenant governor is facing sexual-assault allegations. The way forward is unclear.
  2. the kavanaugh hearings
    Fear of a 2020 Primary May Have Made Lindsey Graham Go Feral Over KavanaughPerhaps private sycophancy towards Trump wasn’t protecting Graham’s flanks back home, so he went with public rage towards Trump’s enemies.
  3. 2018 midterms
    Will the Kavanaugh Fight Affect the Midterms?All the noise about Kavanaugh could encourage the older white voters who usually vote in midterms to show up, but Democratic enthusiasm remains high.
  4. the kavanaugh hearings
    Republicans Approach Kavanaugh Victory As Collins and Flake Signal ApprovalIt seems a cursory look at allegations against Kavanaugh was enough for two crucial Republican senators.
  5. the kavanaugh hearings
    Report: The FBI’s Investigation of Kavanaugh Was a ShamThough it appears only six people were interviewed for the probe, the White House said it shows there’s “no support” for claims against Kavanaugh.
  6. the kavanaugh hearings
    As FBI Wraps Up Investigation, Republicans Set Friday Vote on KavanaughMaybe it’s a bluff, but Republicans seem to think they can get him confirmed this weekend.
  7. 2018 midterms
    Trump Wants to Make Sure Midterms Are About Me Me MeIt’s his party and he can wreck it if he wants to.
  8. the kavanaugh hearings
    Ford’s Testimony Questioned After Ex Says She Helped a Friend Prep for PolygraphIf true, it would contradict her Senate testimony. But the letter from Christine Ford’s ex-boyfriend is disputed by the friend it alleges she helped.
  9. the kavanaugh hearings
    Trump Mocks and Imitates Christine Ford at Campaign Rally, Crowd Goes WildDays after calling Ford a “very fine woman,” Trump goes on the attack.
  10. the kavanaugh hearings
    Rachel Mitchell’s Kavanaugh Report Just Tells Republicans What They Want to HearThe report on her questioning of Christine Ford and Brett Kavanaugh reads like the work of a GOP operative, not a serious sex-crimes prosecutor.
  11. the kavanaugh hearings
    In Memo, Outside Prosecutor Pokes Holes in Christine Blasey Ford’s TestimonyRachel Mitchell told GOP Senators that no “reasonable prosecutor” would bring charges against Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
  12. kavanaugh investigation
    FBI’s Kavanaugh Investigation May Be Designed to FailWe’re quickly finding out what happens when Kavanaugh’s friends and political allies control an investigation into his alleged sex crimes.
  13. jeff flake
    Jeff Flake Explains Why He Called for a Delay on the Kavanaugh VoteHe still plans on voting for the judge’s confirmation unless the FBI turns up something new.
  14. the national circus
    Frank Rich: The Ford-Kavanaugh Hearings Were a Case Study in GOP MisogynyThe Senate hearing was a travesty — at once tragic, corrupt, and hateful.
  15. the kavanaugh hearings
    What It Was Like to Watch Christine Blasey Ford’s Testimony With Anita Hill“She spoke about her demeanor at her own deposition and said she couldn’t have gotten emotional.”
  16. the kavanaugh hearings
    Lindsey Graham Goes Savagely Partisan in Defense of Phony BipartisanshipThe South Carolinian puts Washington on notice: when he chairs the Judiciary Committee next year, he’ll run it as an openly Republican operation.
  17. interesting times
    Andrew Sullivan: Everyone Lost at the Kavanaugh-Ford HearingsThe process was broken. Justice was ill served. And democracy is worse off for all of it.
  18. the kavanaugh hearings
    GOP: We Need More Evidence to Judge Ford’s Claims. Please Don’t Give Us Any.Senate Republicans’ arguments for why the FBI does not need to investigate allegations against Kavanaugh collapse under scrutiny.
  19. the kavanaugh confirmation
    After Ford-Kavanaugh Hearing, It’s Total WarAn exhausting, emotional set of hearings leaves one party doubting Kavanaugh’s sincerity and the other shrieking about a partisan conspiracy.
  20. 2018 midterms
    Here’s What Happens If Republicans Dump KavanaughIt’s unlikely, but if Trump pulls the plug on Kavanaugh he’ll have time to nominate someone else in time for confirmation later this year.
  21. christine ford hearing
    Christine Blasey Ford’s Testimony Was a Calamity for the Republican PartyThe president is reportedly furious that no one warned him “of how credible” Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser would seem.
  22. the kavanaugh confirmation
    Chuck Grassley’s Handling of the Ford Hearing Is an Ongoing DisasterIn the high drama of this moment, the 85-year-old farmer is overmatched.
  23. the kavanaugh hearings
    Senate Dems Deftly Highlighted GOP Insensitivity Toward Christine Blasey FordFeinstein set the hearing’s tone by noting the historic mishandling of sexual-assault claims, while GOP senators looked feckless and uncomfortable.
  24. jeff flake
    Jeff Flake Just Used Christine Ford As a Political PropFlake congratulated himself for taking sexual assault seriously, while personally obstructing a full probe into the allegations against Kavanaugh.
  25. the kavanaugh confirmation
    GOP Sticking With Kavanaugh Game Plan Despite New AllegationsIt’s going to be awkward at tomorrow’s hearing for Republicans to pretend Christine Blasey Ford is Kavanaugh’s only accuser.
  26. the national interest
    Julie Swetnick’s Allegations Likely to Finish Off Brett KavanaughThe odds that all these women are lying about Kavanaugh are not high.
  27. the kavanaugh confirmation
    An FBI Investigation Could Become GOP’s Backup Plan on KavanaughAfter fighting an investigation of allegations against Kavanaugh, Republicans may need one to shore up his credibility and satisfy their own senators.
  28. the kavanaugh hearings
    Trump Just Can’t Stop Himself From Sliming Kavanaugh’s AccusersAt the U.N., the president attacks both Christine Ford and Deborah Ramirez, either going off message or revealing a scorched-earth strategy.
  29. the kavanaugh hearings
    The Right Closes Ranks Behind KavanaughConservative passion for the Supreme Court nominee isn’t rational any more. It’s holy war.
  30. the kavanaugh hearings
    Kavanaugh Goes to War As New Sexual-Assault Allegations EmergeThe guarded judge of the earlier Senate hearings is gone, as Kavanaugh identifies with his angry defenders.
  31. the national interest
    Brett Kavanaugh Is Probably a Goner NowWhy Trump will probably have to find a new Supreme Court justice soon.
  32. the kavanaugh hearings
    Kavanaugh Will Cite His Teen Calendars in Assault DefenseAnd the only thing they seem to prove is that the Supreme Court nominee was into calendars when he was 17.
  33. christine ford
    Another Potential Witness Does Not Remember Party Christine Ford DescribedFord’s story seems increasingly unlikely to be corroborated before Thursday’s hearing.
  34. the kavanaugh hearings
    It’s Official: Christine Ford Will Testify Against Kavanaugh on ThursdayFord committed to publicly testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee following days of fraught negotiations between her lawyers and Republicans.
  35. brett kavanaugh
    Polls: Kavanaugh’s Popularity Hits New Lows After Ford AccusationIn multiple surveys, his numbers are underwater — a rare feat for a Supreme Court nominee.
  36. garrett ventry
    Aide Who Guided Kavanaugh Strategy Quits Over Sexual Harassment AllegationGarrett Ventry also worked for the PR firm that has been trying to undermine Christine Ford’s credibility.
  37. the kavanaugh hearings
    Christine Ford Wanted to Leave Country If Kavanaugh Became Supreme Court JusticeHer husband says she was overwhelmed with anxiety over the possibility of her alleged attacker becoming so powerful.
  38. christine ford
    Grassley Reportedly Gives Ford Until Saturday Afternoon to Decide on TestifyingAfter waffling on his initial ultimatum, the Senate Judiciary Chairman grudgingly extended the deadline.
  39. the kavanaugh confirmation
    Grassley Closes, then Reopens Talks with Ford Over TestimonyLooks like Republicans have decided they’ve got the votes to confirm Kavanaugh and will no longer try to look sympathetic to the judge’s accuser.
  40. the kavanaugh confirmation
    Christian Right Leaders Want Senate to Ignore Assault Charges Against KavanaughConservative Evangelicals like Ralph Reed and Franklin Graham want their SCOTUS justice even if he hasn’t been cleared of attempted rape charges.
  41. the kavanaugh hearings
    Kavanaugh Ally Regrets Tweeting Rape Allegation on Basis of Google Maps SearchMeanwhile, new evidence suggests that Brett Kavanaugh played a role in generating the theory that his look-alike assaulted Christine Ford.
  42. the kavanaugh confirmation
    Trump Attacks Ford for Not Going to Cops in 1982Frantic efforts by aides to keep him from attacking Kavanaugh’s accuser failed as Trump lashed out on Twitter.
  43. the national interest
    Republicans: Christine Ford Won’t Have Guts to Testify on Kavanaugh. (She Does.)“This gambit basically bets that she will decline, and Republicans can then say that they tried to investigate further.” On to plan B!
  44. supreme court
    3 GOP Senators Open to Delaying Kavanaugh Vote Over Sexual Assault ClaimFlake and Corker said senators must learn about the attempted rape allegation before voting, and Murkowski said they “might” need to delay.
  45. the national interest
    Why Brett Kavanaugh Might Lose Supreme Court Seat Over Sexual-Assault AllegationA done deal is suddenly looking undone.