Jonathan Chait

Political Columnist, Intelligencer

Jonathan Chait has been a political columnist at New York since 2011 and writes the newsletter &c. He is the author of Audacity: How Barack Obama Defied His Critics and Created a Legacy That Will Prevail.

  1. the national interest
    The Democrats Who Care More About Their Careers Than Beating TrumpBiden bets his party doesn’t have the guts to confront him.
  2. the national interest
    Biden’s Norm-Shattering Response to the Post-Debate CrisisThe problems are ethical, not just political.
  3. the national interest
    How to Pick a New Democratic Presidential Candidate FastGet the leaders together and make a choice.
  4. the national interest
    It’s Not Just an Age Problem. It’s a Trust Problem.Why should we believe what the Biden campaign tells us about the candidate anymore?
  5. the national interest
    Biden and Harris’s Absurd Case for ComplacencyThe post-debate crisis isn’t going away, and Democrats need to make some hard political choices if they want to avoid catastrophe.
  6. the national interest
    Donald Trump And Joe Biden Participate In First Presidential Debate
    At Least No One Is Accusing Biden of Using Performance-Enhancing DrugsI believe Biden is still up to the job of being president. But he’s not up to the job of running.
  7. the national interest
    The Great Awokening Is Over, But Trump Might Revive ItConservatives are still angry at 2020, don’t understand Biden wasn’t president then.
  8. the national interest
    How Jamaal Bowman Blew Up His Own CoalitionHe wants to be an AIPAC martyr, but this was a political suicide attempt.
  9. the national interest
    Why Conservatives Should Vote for Joe BidenA liberal’s plea to the rule-of-law right.
  10. the national interest
    Trump Adviser Admits He Lost China Trade WarHe’s going to lose the next one, too.
  11. the national interest
    Trump’s Tariff Is a Scheme to Shift the Tax Burden to the Non-RichWhy do we keep calling this “populism”?
  12. the national interest
    The Insurrationalizers: J.D. Vance Supports ‘America’s Hitler’Trump veep auditions continue.
  13. intelligencer chats
    Do We Really Need National Political Conventions?Our staff debates whether the quadrennial events are a pointless waste of money or valuable messaging opportunities.
  14. the national interest
    Wall Street Journal: Why Does This Mob Crook Keep Getting Charged With Crimes?It can’t be the long-standing ties to criminals we once lamented.
  15. the national interest
    Hunter Biden Conviction Blows Up Republican Conspiracy TheoriesJoe Biden controls only local prosecutions, apparently.
  16. the national interest
    Trump Praises J6 Insurrectionists As ‘Warriors’He is ripping off the mask.
  17. the national interest
    Why on Earth Is Chuck Schumer Inviting Netanyahu to Address Congress?Giving the flailing leader a political lifeline isn’t in the best interests of the U.S. or Israel.
  18. the national interest
    Conservatives Angry at Biden’s Anti-Nazi D-Day SpeechDefending democracy? That’s an attack on Trump!
  19. the national interest
    What is the Sunrise Movement For?Why a climate group may decline to endorse the most pro-climate president ever.
  20. the national interest
    Trump Is Colluding With Putin in Plain Sight“Vladimir Putin, president of Russia, will do that for me.”
  21. the national interest
    Prosecutorial Independence Is the Dumbest Possible Reason to Support TrumpThe “inject bleach” of Trump-voting rationales.
  22. the national interest
    Trump’s Conviction: The Case for MisgivingsForbearance versus the rule of law.
  23. the national interest
    Trump’s Billionaire BoomHow he gets away with promising to make the rich richer.
  24. the national interest
    Does the Conservative Rage Machine Go to 11?Republicans are now so angry, they want a candidate who will threaten to lock up his opponent.
  25. the national interest
    Trump’s Conviction Means Less Than You Might ThinkA lot depends on what happens next.
  26. the national interest
    Bush Torture Lawyer John Yoo Calls for Revenge Prosecutions Against DemocratsPoor, innocent Donald Trump must be avenged.
  27. the national interest
    Anti-Israel Protesters Want to Elect Trump, Who Promises to Crush ProtestersWhy Rashida Tlaib is joining the one-state horseshoe alliance.
  28. the national interest
    The Trouble With the Left’s Efforts to Apply ‘Leverage’Biden and Democrats would be better off avoiding alliances with progressives based on threats.
  29. the national interest
    Trump Tells Putin to Keep Wall Street Journal Reporter Hostage Through ElectionPutin “will do that for me, but not for anyone else.”
  30. the national interest
    Karl Rove Frets RFK Jr. Is Stealing ‘Wacko’ Voters From TrumpPerhaps there is a deeper problem at work here.
  31. the national interest
    Alito Ethics Defense Blown Up by Second Insurrectionist FlagThe previous defense was narrowly tailored to facts that are now moot.
  32. the national interest
    Republican Moderates Went Exitinct. But Democratic Moderates Keep Winning.Centrist Democrats sweep in Oregon.
  33. the national interest
    Alito’s Flag Excuse Is a License for Partisan GrandstandingExplaining away the issue by blaming his wife creates a loophole so big you could drive a pro-Trump billboard through it.
  34. the national interest
    No, Your Pet Issue Is Not Making Biden LoseIt’s inflation, not Israel or class warfare.
  35. the national interest
    Manafort Returns As Trump Preps For New Crime SpreeHis criminal record is his best qualification.
  36. the national interest
    In Defense of Punching LeftThe problem with Solidarity.
  37. the national interest
    How Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Brain Worm Could Save AmericaA butterfly flaps its wings …
  38. the national interest
    Why President Biden Is Correct to Denounce Campus AntisemitismThe problem is not physical violence.
  39. the national interest
    The House Antisemitism Bill Is Bad for the JewsAnd free speech.
  40. the national interest
    Biden Is Losing the Election in the Center, Not the LeftThe voters he needs aren’t occupying college campuses.
  41. the national interest
    Trump’s Abortion-Pill Stance ‘2 Weeks Away,’ Which Is Trumpspeak for ‘Never’His secret plans are always two weeks away.
  42. the national interest
    Why the Right Loves the Anti-Israel EncampmentsThree reasons Trump and Bibi want the protests to continue.
  43. the national interest
    Trump Second-Term Plan Includes Federal Reserve CoupThe next Trump administration will be far more chaotic.
  44. the national interest
    Donald Trump Snatches Final Shred of William Barr’s DignityAn endorsement without total submission is not enough.
  45. the national interest
    Biden Was Right About Both Antisemitism and the PalestiniansSometimes basic humanity means seeing “both sides.”
  46. the national interest
    Why Anti-Israel Protesters Won’t Stop Harassing JewsThe movement’s ideological character invites rage and violence.
  47. the national interest
    Lara Trump Threatens ‘Four Years of Scorched Earth’ If Trump Retakes PowerSounds like a fun time for America.
  48. the national interest
    Why a Second Trump Term Will Make the Middle Class PayNo more low-interest-rate free ride.
  49. the national interest
    Conservatives Suddenly Realize Tucker Carlson Is a Lying Russia DupeWhat changed?
  50. the national interest
    Paul Krugman Is Right About the Economy, and the Polls Are WrongSometimes experts get it wrong, but not this time.
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