Sandra Rijswijk

Almere, Flevoland, Nederland Contactgegevens
2K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties

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Key words describing me are creativity, interaction, energy and pragmatism: "There’s…


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Ervaring als vrijwilliger

  • UNICEF grafisch

    Youth trainer


    - heden 2 jaar 11 maanden


    I am a volunteer with Unicef and provide classes for primary and high school classes about children's rights.


  • A Story every project manager must read


    About blending cultures together and the human side of IT-projects

    Publicatie weergeven
  • PMOs: Change mindset, Adopt the firefighter approach

    Sogeti Labs

    Recently, I was reading an article, [published in one of the Netherlands’ popular newspapers Kalshoven, 2014] about switching from the ‘aftercare’ to the ‘precare’ mode of delivering services/taking actions in our economy, government and in our life.

    It referred to the trend that firefighters started. Instead of focusing only on fighting actual fires, they also focus on how to prevent fires. The reason is that it costs less money to make people aware of fire hazards and take…

    Recently, I was reading an article, [published in one of the Netherlands’ popular newspapers Kalshoven, 2014] about switching from the ‘aftercare’ to the ‘precare’ mode of delivering services/taking actions in our economy, government and in our life.

    It referred to the trend that firefighters started. Instead of focusing only on fighting actual fires, they also focus on how to prevent fires. The reason is that it costs less money to make people aware of fire hazards and take precautionary measures, than it costs to fight the actual fire and repair all the damages after the incident. Over the last 10 years, Dutch firefighters have been able to reduce the number of fires by one third by adopting such an approach.

    The same is happening in the Netherlands’ healthcare sector. More and more insurance companies are focusing on preventing health issues than just curing it. Again because, preventive actions, eventually, cost less money.

    The Bottom line is: Investing in fire-safe environments prevents high costs in the future.

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  • From PMO to P.O.O.


    This is an article about the Agile transformation from project-orientation towards business value in thechange organisation and the impact on PMO.

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    Volledige professionele vaardigheid

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  • SogetiLabs


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