Ñusta Nina

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland Contactgegevens
736 volgers Meer dan 500 connecties

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Specialties: Privacy, Intellectual Property, Copyright, Trademark Law, Open Content…

Ervaring en opleidingen

  • Just Eat Takeaway.com

Volledige ervaring van Ñusta weergeven

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Licenties en certificaten

Ervaring als vrijwilliger

  • Platform VoorleesExpress grafisch


    Platform VoorleesExpress

    - 9 maanden


    Reading for children with a language deficit.

  • Open Monumentendag grafisch


    Open Monumentendag

    - heden 7 jaar 11 maanden

  • ASKV Particolarte grafisch


    ASKV Particolarte

    - 1 jaar

  • Delivering prescriptions to vulnerable persons.


    - 2 maanden



  • Disliking the like: User policy-change and perception of the internet as a democratic medium

    New Library World, Vol. 114 Iss: 7/8

    Promoting government responsibility for the privacy of individual citizens seems problematic in an online context, as it threatens to open the door to censorship. One should wonder whether citizens need protection from what is perceived as infringement to the rights of privacy, while these citizens are actually consumers, using commercially provided services with policies that they have agreed to. The European Commission has been following closely what is happening to personal data online…

    Promoting government responsibility for the privacy of individual citizens seems problematic in an online context, as it threatens to open the door to censorship. One should wonder whether citizens need protection from what is perceived as infringement to the rights of privacy, while these citizens are actually consumers, using commercially provided services with policies that they have agreed to. The European Commission has been following closely what is happening to personal data online. Several forms of legislation have been brought into force aiming to enhance the protection of personal data of European citizens. This European protectionism often clashes with the privacy policies of, largely American, commercial organisations such as Facebook and Google.

    Andere auteurs
    Publicatie weergeven
  • Final Guidelines on Copyright Clearance and IPR Management

    European Film Gateway

    Guidelines on copyright clearance and IPR Management voor the European Film Gateway-partners. Comparative copyright law has been analysed and decision models have been designed to identify the copyright status of film material.

    Publicatie weergeven
  • Research Report Open Content Models

    The European Film Gateway

    This report researches the possibility of offering film archival content online, using open
    content models. This document has the aim to inform the EFG consortium members of the
    background on open content models, the possibilities open content models offer and what
    content may be offered via open content licenses. The focus lies on open content models
    which are frequently used by institutions which are also part of the cultural heritage sector.

    Publicatie weergeven


  • AVG Marketing en Privacy


  • De invloed van technologische ontwikkelingen op het recht


  • Film voor de rechter


  • Intellectueel Eigendom en Marketing


  • Muziek en recht


  • Nationaal Mediarechtcongres 2018


  • Studiedag Onrechtmatige perspublicaties



  • European Media Cloud Campus

    - heden

    The European Media Cloud Campus (EMC2) is a cloud-based innovative learning environment that enables students to continually develop their competences to pro-actively participate in a disruptive media landscape.

    Andere bijdragers
    Project weergeven


  • English

    Volledige professionele vaardigheid

  • Spanish

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

  • Dutch

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

  • German

    Beperkte werkvaardigheid

  • French

    Beperkte werkvaardigheid

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