

Bedrijfsconsulting en -services

The Data & AI partner to the leaders of tomorrow

Over ons

Rewire operationalizes every aspect of Artificial Intelligence, from machine learning to Gen AI, to create AI-native organizations. With offices in Amsterdam, Heidelberg, and Tel Aviv, it has been at the cutting-edge since its founding in 2006 and counts Europe’s largest and most dynamic organizations amongst its client base, including the likes of KPN, Nike, Brenntag, Rabobank, Adevinta, ABN AMRO and IKEA. Alongside its Data & AI transformation services and Customizable Functional Solutions, Rewire strengthens critical Data & AI skillsets through its GAIN professional development academy.

Bedrijfsconsulting en -services
51 - 200 medewerkers
Data & AI strategy, Data & AI Transformation, Customized AI solutions, Generative AI, ML Ops en Data & AI training


Medewerkers van Rewire


  • Rewire heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Laura Brandwacht, afbeelding

    Leading Data & AI Transformations @ Rewire / Inspiring people about applied AI / Keynote speaker / Finalist Young Talent Award Topvrouw van het Jaar

    My last three posts here on LinkedIn were about successful Data & AI transformations. But they were not so much about data, models or technology… They were mostly about 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩����𝐞! Because people make the difference. That’s also one of the reasons why it’s a challenge for many companies to make Data & AI transformations a success. Because talented people in this field are scarce. Let alone talented people with real experience in creating business impact with Data & AI. But you can educate them! Inspire them with a visionary strategy. Enable them to grow. That’s why we offer trainings for people that define, build and use Data & AI solutions. For 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 that dare to think '𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘧…' and define the Data & AI future of their company For 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 that are equipped to say '𝘸𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘯…' and build innovative Data & AI solutions For 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐬 that are committed to prove '𝘸𝘦 𝘥𝘰…' and apply Data & AI to create impact Interested how we can accelerate your Data & AI transformation by capability building? Get in touch! GAIN® - The Global AI network by Rewire

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  • Rewire heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Arje Sanders, afbeelding

    Partner at Rewire | Building and scaling world-leading AI solutions that drive lasting business impact

    Another proud moment, at which Adevinta’s Analytics University program is celebrated. I love how Kasia shares her excitement and specific learnings from the different GAIN® - The Global AI network badges! Great leadership and collaboration of Gizem Colak and Leonid Pavlov

    Profiel weergeven voor Kasia N., afbeelding

    Senior Product Designer @ Kleinanzeigen, leading re-commerce marketplace

    👩🎓 Had a fantastic time last month at Adevinta's Analytics University Business Program, where I earned certifications in "Structured Opportunity Finding" and "Data Exploration & Insights Discovery" from GAIN® - The Global AI network. These certifications have greatly improved my skills in data-driven decision-making and strategy design, and I am eager to apply this knowledge in my future work. 🤝 I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Gizem Colak & Leonid Pavlov for organizing this program and all the inspiring trainers who guided us over two weeks. Last but not least, I am immensely grateful to my brilliant working group for their invaluable contribution. Your teamwork and expertise were instrumental in pulling together a superb final case in record time. Elona Kollari, Erica Grandi & Jo-Shan Lee, thank you! 💖

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Rewire, afbeelding

    7.522 volgers

    In the competitive world of data science, collaboration is key. We're proud to partner with industry leaders like Caroline Hetterschijt - Zonnevylle from Nationale Postcode Loterij to attract and develop top talent through the Data Talent Factory program. Watch the full video and learn more about the program here: #Technology #DataScientists #TechSkills #AISkills #DataTraining

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Rewire, afbeelding

    7.522 volgers

    Data management transformation can last for years. Failing to demonstrate value early is a common pitfall. In this second article we take a closer look at the enablers and principles that guide successful data transformation. Wouter HuygenTamara KloekFreek Gulden 👉 #AI #DataManagement #ScalableData #ArtificialIntelligence #BigData #DataStrategy

    Scalable data management: from theory to practice (part 2) - Rewire - Data & AI Transformation

    Scalable data management: from theory to practice (part 2) - Rewire - Data & AI Transformation

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Rewire, afbeelding

    7.522 volgers

    We'll be joining Google, Shell, IKEA, Barclays, ING, and many other leading brands at the Business Intelligence and Analytics Summit on July 11 in Amsterdam. Leonid Pavlov will discuss building people capabilities through training. Come and say 'hi'.

    🙌 We are thrilled to welcome Leonid Pavlov - Principal at Rewire, as our honoured Keynote Speaker for the Business Intelligence and Analytics Summit! 🗓️ Join us on 10th-11th July at the Radisson Blu Hotel Amsterdam Airport 🚀 Keynote Topic - Unlocking Multi-Million Euros opportunities through Training ℹ️ Leonid Pavlov is a Data &AI expert, with over 12 years of experience spanning Data & AI, aerospace, blockchain, software, and computational oceanography. He now focuses on the transformation of businesses through AI. Currently serving as Principal, Data & AI Training at Rewire, Leonid's mission is to empower organizations at all levels with tailored training programs. These programs focus on creating impact and enabling businesses to navigate the evolving landscape of AI adoption whilst also setting them up for sustained success. Leonid's true passion lies in harnessing AI to tackle global challenges and foster positive, impactful change, while ensuring that these developments are also performed responsibly. 🚀Join us to connect, learn, and grow with actionable insights from one of the industry's top experts! 🎟️Use the code 'DATA30' for 30% off on Tickets! 🌐Registrations at #BIAAS#CONFX

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Rewire, afbeelding

    7.522 volgers

    Food for thoughts...

    Profiel weergeven voor Laura Brandwacht, afbeelding

    Leading Data & AI Transformations @ Rewire / Inspiring people about applied AI / Keynote speaker / Finalist Young Talent Award Topvrouw van het Jaar

    Who does the swimming at your company? I think you can all imagine different departments within your company as different islands within a huge ocean. Sales on their sales island, marketing on their marketing island, account management at their account management island, finance on their finance island - you get the point. And of course data science on their data science island and IT on their IT island. Not to forget leadership on their big leadership island. The question is: who does the swimming? Because for successful projects, you need each other. You need to work together and you need to understand each other! The world is too complex to solve problems in siloes and the opportunities are too big! Especially in the field of Data & AI projects, you need many different expertises to create breakthroughs that create business impact. A Data Scientist shouldn’t make a model without understanding the business context. The product owner shouldn’t make a plan without the input from the tech team. We shouldn’t make a process redesign without the people involved in the current and new process! You can spend a lot of time swimming between the islands (btw often one team is doing most of the swimming). But what if we gather at a new, uninhabited island? A tropical place where we can combine all expertises and create a whole new world? Redesigning our business and our processes from scratch? Utilizing all our knowledge but not hindered by the status-quo. Embracing all the potential of AI? It all starts with an inspiring and shared goal, a common language and the curiosity to learn from each other. But imagine what a beautiful island this can be!

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Rewire, afbeelding

    7.522 volgers

    Scalable data management is a challenge for many organisations. Yet it is critical to unlock the full potential of data & AI. In our latest article we introduce a framework which helps deliver on the promise of AI. 👉 #AI #DataManagement #ScalableData #ArtificialIntelligence #BigData #DataStrategy

    Scalable data management: from theory to practice - Rewire - Data & AI Transformation

    Scalable data management: from theory to practice - Rewire - Data & AI Transformation

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Rewire, afbeelding

    7.522 volgers

    Imagine cutting through the chaos to pinpoint the most profitable strategies. Detailresult B.V. (DRG) has done just that. By harnessing the power of Data and AI, they've been able to: 📈 Create a 30% annual increase in margins on promotional sales  🔎 Deliver granular insights into 10 key promotional effects  🛒 Optimize inventory management across 220+ stores Want to know more? Read more about our collaboration here: #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #DigitalInnovation #DataStrategy #BusinessGrowth

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Rewire, afbeelding

    7.522 volgers

    Worth a read: Christoph Sporleder, Managing Partner at Rewire DACH, shares his perspective on value creation through AI.

    Profiel weergeven voor Christoph Sporleder, afbeelding

    Managing Partner at Rewire Germany, Austria, Switzerland

    Das Ende der KI Lighthouses Auf Sand gebaut, meist wenig Wirkung, nicht skalierbar: KI Lighthouses sollten nicht mehr das Mittel der Wahl sein. Oft blockieren Lighthouses wichtige Ressourcen oder vermitteln einen falschen Eindruck von den tatsächlichen Fähigkeiten von KI. Zudem sind sie in der Regel „auf Sand gebaut“, haben also kein solides Fundament. Es ist erstaunlich, das trotzdem immer noch Lighthouses gebaut werden - als sei der Nutzen von Daten und KI nicht ausreichend bewiesen wäre oder als ob die Technologie – die in der Regel absolut nicht das Problem ist – noch einmal erprobt werden müsste. Aber diesen Punkt haben wir überschritten. Die Kernfrage lautet heute: Wie kann das Versprechen von großem Impact durch KI eingelöst werden? Unternehmen tun sich nach wie vor schwer damit, und wir können immer wieder diese drei Archetypen beobachten: 1. „We need to build the foundations first“ - es werden entweder langwierige Technologie-Architekturprojekte (oft von Systemintegratoren begleitet) oder „Bottom-Up“ Datentransformationen gestartet, die nicht direkt mit einem Wertbeitrag verbunden sind. Währenddessen müssen sich die Fachbereiche damit behelfen, einzelne, nicht skalierbare Use Cases zu bauen. 2. „Let’s push for use cases“ - basierend auf erwartetem Use Case Impact werden diese lokal optimiert entwickelt. Kurzfristiger Wertbeitrag wird damit oft erreicht, jedoch ist die Skalierbarkeit eingeschränkt. Keine/begrenzte Wiederverwendung von Daten oder Methoden, keine/begrenzte Änderung von Prozessen, limitiertes Change-Management…die Liste ist lang, Eine nachhaltige Pipeline von Anwendungsfällen wird meistens nicht entwickelt. 3. „Let the others get a bloody nose before we start“ - eine Variante bei der außer Beobachtung und lokalen Experimenten nichts getan wird. Keiner dieser Ansätze eignet sich für eine erfolgreiche Skalierung des Nutzens von Daten und KI. Auch wenn nach Jahren von „digitaler Transformation“ eine gewisse Müdigkeit und geringer Appetit für „and another Transformation“ in vielen Unternehmen zu spüren ist, wird hier eine Chance verpasst, die eine unmittelbare Auswirkung auf die Unternehmensperformance hat. OK, nennen wir es eben nicht „Transformation“, sondern „Erzeugung von messbarem Mehrwert durch Daten und KI“ und dann gehen wir es an. Der Start ist das Setzen von klaren, stufenweisen Ambitionen sowie einer ausbalancierten Roadmap, die alle notwendigen Aspekte der Skalierung von Daten und KI berücksichtigt: vom erwarteten, quantifizierbaren Impact über die notwendigen Prozessdefinitionen und -veränderungen, das Change-Management, den Fähigkeiten- und Kapazitätsaufbau mit den richtigen Skill-Profilen und die gerade benötigte Technologie. Klingt wie common sense? Ist es aber nicht. Jeder Plan ist extrem individuell, getrieben durch Geschäftsstrategie und aktuelle Herausforderungen, die Fähigkeit und den Willen zur Veränderung, die bestehenden Prozesse und Fähigkeiten. Wir helfen gerne dabei. Because we can. Rewire

    • The End of the AI Lighthouses

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