True Jersey (Posts tagged truejersey)

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna
“For all its fevered anticipation, “Springsteen on Broadway” is largely two hours of this: Springsteen tells a version of an anecdote many fans already know – virtually every bit of monologue in the production’s story-then-song pattern appeared first...

“For all its fevered anticipation, “Springsteen on Broadway” is largely two hours of this: Springsteen tells a version of an anecdote many fans already know – virtually every bit of monologue in the production’s story-then-song pattern appeared first in the memoir – and then he plays a tune, mostly hits and fan favorites, from the thick catalog.” 👈 Read more of Bobby Olivier’s review via the link in our Instagram story. || 📷s Rob DeMartin & Bobby Olivier

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