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Students and Donors Connect at Scholarship Celebration

Scholarship celebration
Scholarship celebration
From left to right: Arlene Butterklee ’82, ’84; Marilyn London; Neil Butterklee ’80, ’82, ’91; Manuel London; Thomas Sexton ’74, ’79; and Margherita (Terry) Sexton ’85, ’88. Photo by Kristy Liebowitz.

Creating a scholarship does more than just help students pay for college. For Stony Brook University donors, there is a connection with scholarship recipients that goes beyond financial support, opening doors and endless possibilities for their future. And those connections were felt on March 19 during the Scholarship Celebration.

Excitement and gratitude were palpable at the event, as students mingled with those who supported their scholarships at the Waterview at Port Jefferson Country Club. From biochemistry and engineering to business management and political science, the scholars explained their research, networked and personally thanked their generous donors for the confidence and inspiration their support instilled in them.

“The generosity of our friends serves as an inspiration for these student leaders and philanthropists of tomorrow,” said President Maurie McInnis. “Our bright, talented students are such an inspiration as they prepare to be the next generation of researchers, leaders and experts who will innovate with purpose, curiosity, integrity and excellence.”

Read the full story and see a photo gallery from the event at Stony Brook Matters.

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