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Art That Soothes, and Moves, the Heart and Soul

Mandala 2

Mandala 1

When Art Professor Lorena Salcedo-Watson suggested that student Boxin Yao try his hand at community artwork, another Campus Beautification Committee (CBC) project was born.

Yao — who studied both psychology and art before graduating this winter — designed a “mandala” that was colored in by students, faculty and staff at a recent CBC event at the Student Activities Center. Even more recently, it was hung at the Student Health Services/Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) Center as part of a CBC/CAPS partnership to make the space where students come for comfort and support more warm, welcoming and inclusive.

The mandala design itself represents ancient Chinese culture. And, in the spirit of the CBC, it also showcases the beauty and meaning that can result when diverse members all across the campus community come together to create art. In all, nearly 100 individuals played a role in one way or another.

If you’re interested in joining the Campus Beautification Committee or submitting art ideas, contact

— Ellen Cooke

Photos by John Griffin:

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