The Apache News Round-up: week ending 18 December 2015

The Apache community of 550+ Members and 5,200+ Committers successfully collaborate across seven continents. Even as the year winds down, we’re still hard at work! Here’s what’s happened over the past week:

ASF Board –the ASF Board is responsible for management and oversight of the business and affairs of the corporation in accordance with the Foundation’s Bylaws.
 – The Apache Software Foundation Operations Summary: August-October 2015
 – Next Board Meeting: 20 January 2016. Board calendar and minutes available at

ASF Infrastructure –our distributed team on four continents keeps the ASF’s infrastructure running around the clock.
 – 6M+ weekly checks yielded a fabulous 99.96% uptime over the past week Check against established SLAs

ApacheCon™ –the official conference series of The Apache Software Foundation.
 – Call For Participation: Apache:Big Data North America – Vancouver 9-12 May 2016
 – Call For Participation: ApacheCon:Core North America – Vancouver 11-13 May 2016
 – Applications OPEN: Travel Assistance to ApacheCon North America

Apache Jackrabbit™ – a fully compliant implementation of the Content Repository for Java(TM) Technology API, version 2.0 (JCR 2.0) as specified in the Java Specification Request 283 (JSR 283).
 – Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.2.9 released

Apache Jena™ –an Open Source Java-based framework for building Semantic Web and Linked Data applications.
 – Apache Jena 3.0.1 released

Apache libcloud™ –a Python library that abstracts away the differences among multiple cloud provider APIs.
 – Apache libcloud 0.20.0 released

Apache Lucene™ –a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in Java.
 – Apache Lucene 5.4.0 released

Apache MyFaces™ –a JavaServer(tm) Faces 2.2 implementation as specified by JSR-344.
 – Apache MyFaces Core v2.2.9 released

Apache NiFi™ –an easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute data. Apache NiFi was made for dataflow.
 – Apache NiFi 0.4.0 released

Apache Nutch™ –a well matured, production ready Web crawler that enables fine-grained configuration, relying on Apache Hadoop data structures, which are great for batch processing.
 – Apache Nutch 1.11 released

Apache Solr™ –the popular, blazing fast, Open Source NoSQL search platform from the Apache Lucene project.
 – Apache Solr 5.4.0 released
 – Reference Guide for Apache Solr 5.4 available

Apache Subversion™ –enterprise-class centralized version control for the masses.
 – Apache Subversion 1.8.15 and 1.9.3 released

Apache Tomcat™ Native Library –provides portable API for features not found in contemporary JDKs.
 – Apache Tomcat Native 1.1.34 and 1.2.3 released

Apache Yetus™ –a collection of libraries and tools that enable contribution and release processes for software projects.
 – Apache Yetus 0.1.0 released

Did You Know?

 – Did you know that Apache Flink now supports out of order streams, high availability, real-time monitoring, and more?

 – Did you know that Apache Groovy has been downloaded more than 11 million times since the beginning of 2015?

 – Did you know that Apache project birthdays in December include Apache Portable Runtime (2000); Apache Logging Services (2003); Cayenne, OFBiz, and Tiles (2006); Synapse (2007); Camel (2008); Axis, OpenWebBeans, Pivot (2009); Aries (2010); ACE (2011); Flex and Wink (2012); Helix (2013); Falcon and Flink (2014)?

Apache Community Notices:

 – The list of Apache project-related MeetUps can be found at

 – Data Scientists Project Group will present "Intro to Data Analysis with Scala and Spark" on 19 December in Mountain View

 – The Kathmandu Apache Spark Meetup presents "Introduction to Apache Spark – Lightning-Fast Cluster Computing" on 19 December

 – The first Apache Spark@Hsinchu 新竹 MeetUp will take place 23 December

 – Ankara Big Data MeetUp presents "Hadoop Ecosystem" on 23 December

 – The Bay Area Search MeetUp will be held 23 December in San Jose

 – The ASF will be participating (exhibition booth, Developer Rooms, and more) at FOSDEM 2016 in Brussels 30-31 January 2016

 – The next CloudStack European User Group will be held 3 March 2016 in London

 – Apache:Big Data North America will take place 9-12 May 2016 in Vancouver

 – ApacheCon:Core North America will take place 11-13 May 2016 in Vancouver

 – The ASF Operations Summary: Second Quarter, Fiscal Year 2016 (August-October 2015) is available at

 – Are your software solutions Powered by Apache? Download & use our "Powered By" logos
 – Show your support for Apache with ASF-approved swag from and –all proceeds benefit the ASF! 
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