Our Partners

We are stronger together. New Futures relies on our strategic networks of Community and Corporate Partners to end generational inequity and open access to financial security for a growing number of underserved young people.

Community Partners

New Futures partners strategically with a network of community-based organizations and schools in the Washington, DC region, all leaders in social services, youth development, and college readiness. We build on their work to open access for our mutual Scholars to postsecondary education, rewarding careers, and financial security.

become a community partner


We believe in the young people your organization supports! If community college or certifications may be the best first step toward a stable career and financial security for your students, please consider partnering with us and nominating them for a New Futures scholarship.


New Futures’ Community Partners are mission-aligned and strategically selected, all in service of supporting our mutual Scholars. We explore new partnerships as our needs and our Scholars’ opportunities evolve.

Corporate Partners

New Futures believes in the power of our region’s young people! We know that hundreds of twenty-somethings can emerge quickly and successfully from community college, ready to take on the challenges of the good and growing jobs in our region’s in-demand career fields.

We are building a network of Corporate Partners to build an employer-informed path for our Scholars to launch their careers and meet tomorrow’s workforce needs.

Become a corporate partner


Our Scholars today are your most qualified job candidates tomorrow! Help inform our cutting-edge program, build our Scholars’ professional networks, and meet your hiring needs. Partnering with New Futures is beneficial for your company and life-changing for our Scholars.


New Futures’ Corporate Partners share workforce trends and hiring needs with our leadership; host shadow days, site visits, and internships; engage employees as volunteers and mentors; and help build professional networks for our Scholars and Alumni.