nLab Julius Wess

Julius Wess was a theoretical physicist, one of the discoverers of the supersymmetry as a possible symmetry in physical models (with Bruno Zumino, and independently from Akulov and Volkov). With Zumino he introduced Wess-Zumino sigma model. From around 1990, he was working also on quantum groups and noncommutative geometry with a view toward physics on noncommutative space-times.

Selected writings

On chiral perturbation theory:

Introducing the WZW term of chiral perturbation theory/quantum hadrodynamics which reproduces the chiral anomaly of QCD in the effective field theory of mesons and Skyrmions:

Introducing supersymmetry for quantum field theory on 4d spacetime:

On supergravity formulated on super spacetime supermanifolds (“superspace”):

category: people

Last revised on June 27, 2024 at 08:40:26. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.