nLab Atsushi Hosaka

Selected writings

Equivalence between hidden local symmetry- and massive Yang-Mills theory-description of Skyrmion quantum hadrodynamics:

  • Atsushi Hosaka, H. Toki, Wolfram Weise, Skyrme Solitons With Vector Mesons: Equivalence of the Massive Yang-Mills and Hidden Local Symmetry Scheme, 1988, Z. Phys. A332 (1989) 97-102 (spire:24079)

Combination of the omega-meson-stabilized Skyrme model with the bag model for nucleons:

On kaon-K*-meson-photon interaction via the WZW term:

On heavy baryons in holographic QCD coming from higher KK-modes:

category: people

Last revised on May 1, 2020 at 17:47:06. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.