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    From the generation of embryo-like structures to the establishment of cell-based approaches to model or treat disease, the field of stem cell and developmental biology has impressively progressed during the past few months.

    Image: Jacob Hanna and Maayan Visuals – Oldak B. et al. Complete human day 14 post-implantation embryo models from naive ES cells. Nature 622, 562–573 (2023).
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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) accounts for one-third of deaths worldwide. Atherosclerosis, characterized by a buildup of fatty deposits in arterial walls, is the dominant cause of CVD, including myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure, and peripheral artery disease. Atherosclerosis is a complex immuno-metabolic disease that develops slowly and has a lifelong progression. Multiple risk factors are linked to atherosclerosis, such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle. Although we have witnessed major breakthroughs in the diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis in the past few decades, our understanding of the disease’s etiology and pathogenesis is still incomplete, and the need for new diagnostic and therapeutic tools and lifestyle adjustments remains. This collection highlights the breadth of atherosclerosis research published in Nature Cardiovascular Research, and accompanies Gordon Research Conference on Atherosclerosis “Molecular Mechanisms, Genomic Modifiers and Emerging Therapies”.

    Image: Sorbetto / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty
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    Stem cell models of development, regeneration, and disease are quickly advancing. New technologies and concepts are continuously combined with existing knowledge to create more realistic systems to improve our understanding of these intricate processes. In this collection, we highlight papers published in 2022-2023 across Nature Portfolio journals on topics including embryonic development and stem cells, reproductive biology, synthetic tissues and embryo models, clinical and translational research and tissue stem cells.

    Image: Jean-Baptiste Sibarita, Virgile Viasnoff, and Anne Beghin
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    This Collection of Q & A articles aims to introduce and celebrate the female authors that published their research and review articles in Nature Cardiovascular Research’s first volume, hoping that their life and career stories will inspire new generations of scientists.

    Image: Top (from left to right): Teresa Crawford; Francine Marques; Marie Le Novère; Kent Sievers; Tina Encarnacion/UConn Health; Jenna Schad/Tufts University; J. J. Goronzy; middle (from left to right): Natalia Trayanova; Harrison Truong/Stanford University; Yanqing Anna Gong; Felix Imhof, UNIL; Richard Mayer; Miikka Vikkula; Rong Tian; bottom (from left to right): Christiana Ruhrberg; Anna Randi; Stefanie Dimmeler; Dirk Pacholsky; Margalida Munar; Tatiana Tatarinova; Laurent Soussana, LMU Klinikum.