
The intricate and lengthy process of discovering novel drugs stands to gain significant advantages through the application of computational methods1. These methods provide efficient and cost-effective avenues for exploring expansive chemical spaces, predicting molecular properties, and optimizing potential drug candidates. Dynamic models of biological systems (e.g., pharmacokinetic (PK) or pharmacodynamic (PD) models) are useful tools for studying biomolecular processes. Such models have been applied to study inter- and intra-cellular phenomena, including regulatory, metabolic, and signalling processes within human cells2,3,4. These models are derived from first-principles approximations of the complex dynamics that occur in vivo. The utility of these biological models lies in their simplicity; tractably capturing qualitative system behaviors at the expense of prediction accuracy. Although these dynamic models are often used in preclinical drug development to determine in vivo drug response5, they are rarely applied in drug discovery. Biological pharmacodynamic models are valuable tools in both the optimal design and validation phases of identifying novel drug candidates, making them crucial for computational drug discovery. Furthermore, regulatory agencies are beginning to accept in silico studies as part of the validation and testing of new medical therapies and technologies6,7. This underscores a need to formalise approaches for uncertainty quantification and model improvement for pharmacodynamic models.

Uncertainty quantification is a critical analysis that is often overlooked in computational drug design, despite its relevance and available software tools8. Previous studies have applied methods of uncertainty quantification to models for calibrating algorithmic parameters in automated diabetes treatment systems9, a PK/PD cancer model for the antivascular endothelial growth factor in the present of a cancer therapeutic agent10, the calibration of dose-response relationships for the \(\gamma\)-H2AX assay to predict radiation exposure11, and peptide-MHC affinity prediction using a data-driven model12. In the aforementioned studies, experimental or clinical data was readily available for the proposed uncertainty quantification procedures. For many PD models, the scarcity of quantitative data for calibrating these models has led to significant challenges in uncertainty quantification. This limited availability of experimental data results in non-unique and/or unconstrained parameter estimations, leading to issues of nonidentifiability13. Researchers have acknowledged the presence of significant parameter correlations, nonidentifiability, and parameter sloppiness in dynamic biology models, where parameters can vary over orders of magnitude without significantly affecting model output14. Given these limitations, it is evident that incorporating uncertainty quantification to biological dynamic models, even in the absence of available data, is crucial if they are to be used for computational drug discovery and evaluation.

Optimal experimental design (OED) has been proposed as a method for improving model parameter estimates in biological pharmacodynamic models. In OED, existing measured data is used to determine what new experiment(s) should be done to best reduce parameter uncertainties15. Several works have applied different flavors of optimal experimental design to dynamic biological models. Work done by Liepe et al.16 demonstrates OED to maximize expected information gained in a signaling pathway model featuring 6 differential equations, 4 uncertain parameters, and selecting between 5 experimental outcomes. Researchers in Bandara et al.17 showed that a sequential experimental design for a cell signaling model, coupled with fluorescence microscopy-based experimental data, was able to reduce uncertainty in some parameters, while it increased in others due to nonidentifiability. This work also provides an example of selecting optimal experiments based on an experimentally relevant metric. This approach is in opposition to the more common purely information-theoretic approach. We note that the model used in this study is relatively small, only featuring 4 differential equations, 4 uncertain rate constants, and selecting between 3 experimental possibilities. Researchers in Eriksson et al.18 utilized approximate Bayesian computation to identify approximate posterior distributions for uncertain model parameters. This work presents a larger scale problem, with 34 reactions for 25 species, 34 uncertain parameters, and 6 experimental possibilities from which to select. This approximate approach is applicable to scenarios where the the data-generation distribution (likelihood function) is not available in analytic form. There are other methods for informed experimental design in systems biology that have utilized in the literature19. However, unlike Bayesian data inference approaches, these methods do not incorporate prior knowledge (i.e., expert biological insights) into the inference process. They also do not provide a probabilistic result, but rather a point estimate for model parameters.

In this paper, we utilize methods from Bayesian optimal experimental design (BOED) using exact Bayesian inference and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) to recommend experiments for mechanistic model improvement. This framework allows for quantitative decision-making within the classical “experiment-theory-experiment” loop, wherein experiments are used to first deduce theoretical relationships and then to validate the theory. The goal is to identify which experiment, or sequence of experiments, will provide the most “useful” data in either constructing or validating the theory. The definition of “useful” may differ depending on the goals of the practitioner, but are often related to a measure of model uncertainty reduction. The focus of the present work is on a dynamic model of programmed cell death, i.e., apoptosis. This model predicts synthetic lethality in cancer in the presence of a PARP1 inhibitor. Therefore, when we refer to selecting an optimal experimental design, we mean “which species should we measure from a PARP1-inhibited cell experiment to improve confidence in simulated lethality predictions of a given inhibitor?” The goal is to first understand the impact of parameter uncertainty on the predictive reliability of this model. Then, the aim is to recommend experimental measurements that can be done in the lab to maximize confidence in simulated lethality predictions.

To do this, we conduct parameter inference using HMC for large volumes of data generated from simulated experiments. This way, we can determine which experimental data, in expectation, would most reduce uncertainty in modeled drug performance predictions. Such an approach for using synthetic data to model potential outcomes is particularly useful when there are too many potential experiments and replicates to conduct within time and resource constraints. Employing the proposed BOED approach provides researchers with a quantitative method for linking physical experiment design to model improvement in the absence of a necessary abundance of existing data.

It is important to note that while our optimal experimental design study is conducted with simulated experimental data, and the results are thus subject to our modeling assumptions, the dynamic model underpinning our analysis contains biologically relevant and measurable parameters, thus offering insights that can guide future experimental endeavors. Furthermore, the framework we lay out here is general and applicable to any relevant biological modeling setting where experimental data is obtainable. To ensure that the recommended experiments made in BOED are actionable, it is essential that practitioners develop theoretical models that only include feasible experimental designs. Nevertheless, the optimization might occasionally recommend currently infeasible experiments, which can spur the development of new experimental methods to enable these designs. For the current application, our optimization specifically recommends experiments involving species that can be measured in the lab with existing methods20,21.

Formally, the contributions of this work are threefold: (1) Applying Bayesian optimal experimental design and high-performance computing (HPC) to a large-scale coupled ODE system of 23 equations and with 11 uncertain parameters and choosing between 5 experimental designs — the largest PD system considered thus far in a fully Bayesian OED framework of which the authors are aware; (2) Proposing novel decision-relevant metrics for quantifying the uncertainty in therapeutic performance of novel inhibitor drugs at a given concentration (\(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)); and (3) Identifying optimal experiments that minimize the uncertainty in therapeutic performance (i.e., simulated lethality) as a function of the inhibitor dosage of interest.

As we will show, there is preference for measuring activated caspases at low \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)to reduce uncertainty in the probability of cell death. At larger \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\), our results show that this uncertainty is maximally reduced by collecting data the mRNA-Bax concentrations. Therefore, we conclude that the decision as to which species to experimentally measure must be selected by considering trade-offs between the predicted BOED objectives and the inhibitor viability in vitro. The approach and results presented here thus bridge model-guided optimal design with uncertainty quantification, advancing drug discovery through uncertainty-aware decision-making.


The problem addressed in this work is to understand the impact of model parameter uncertainty on the predictive capacity of the PD model for PARP1-inhibited cellular apoptosis; a representative model for cancer drug evaluation. And given the effects of uncertainty and lack of experimental data, we wish reestablish a predictive model by recommending measurements that can be made in the lab to better constrain the model parameters.

The workflow to achieve the stated goals is as follows:

  1. 1.

    Acquire many (synthetic) experimental measurements for each prospective measurable species in the model

  2. 2.

    Construct prior probability distributions (i.e., beliefs regarding model parameter distributions in the absence of data)

  3. 3.

    Conduct parameter estimation via Bayesian inference using the model, data, and prior probabilities for each prospective experiment and over multiple data samples

  4. 4.

    Compute expected drug performance predicted by the model given posterior probability distributions (i.e., updated parameter distribution beliefs after incorporating data)

  5. 5.

    Rank and recommend experiments based on a metric that quantifies reliability in model predictions.

A graphical depiction comparing traditional parameter calibration to the proposed approach using simulated experimental data is shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1
figure 1

Workflow for Bayesian parameter calibration using (a) Model parameter calibration with real data. (b) Model parameter calibration with simulated experimental data.

Traditional model parameter calibration via Bayesian inference is shown in Fig. 1a. The model-derived prior predictive distribution of concentration profiles for Species “A” is constrained by experimental data (in black). Here, we only show the final time point being used to constrain the time-series lab measurements. In general, the collected laboratory time-series data could be used jointly for Bayesian inference. Conducting inference produces an updated probability density function for the model parameters \(\theta\) referred to as the posterior distribution. The posterior distribution is then used to quantify inhibitor performance via probability of achieving apoptosis in simulation across an array of \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)values. We can then compare the expected inhibitor drug performance between the prior and posterior uncertainty. More accurate predictions by the posterior are thus expected because real data was used to update the model.

The methodology utilized in the present work is presented in Fig. 1b. Here, we do not have access to real, measured data to constrain our model. However, we can use the PD model and an expert-derived error model to generate an ensemble of simulated experimental data. In simulating and calibrating to a large volume of simulated experimental data, we account for uncertainty in what could be measured in reality (in black). This then leads to an ensemble of posterior distribution predictions for the parameters \(\theta\). We obtain ensembles of posterior parameter distributions for several potential measurable species in the model (e.g., Species “B” and Species “C”). From these, we can compute an ensemble of inhibitor performances as measured by probability of apoptosis across a range of \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)values. This implies a distribution on expected inhibitor performances as predicted by “measuring” different species and using the simulated measurements for calibration. By comparing the distributions in expected inhibitor performance across different measured species, we can identify which experiment is “optimal” by selecting the one that leads to the greatest reduction in uncertainty.

Mathematical model

The general form of a pharmakodynamic model is shown in Eq. (1), which represents a set of coupled ordinary differential equations.

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \displaystyle \dot{y}(t)&= f\left( y(t); u, \kappa \right) \\ y(t_0)&= y_0 \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

In the rate-based modeling framework used here, variables \(y(t) \in \mathbb {R}^n\) are state variables representing the time-varying concentrations of the n chemical species of interest within the cell signalling pathway. The parameters \(\kappa \in \mathbb {R}^m\) are the parameter data, which includes the kinetic rate constants for the reaction network. Initial concentrations of species are those at \(t_0\), specified by the value of the vector \({y}_0 \in \mathbb {R}^n\). The system parameters and time-varying species concentrations are related by the functions \(f : \mathbb {R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb {R}\), indexed by \(\forall i \in \{1,\dots ,n\}\). Also, we separate the input parameters in Eq. (1) into two vectors: u, the control variables, and \(\kappa\) the uncertain model parameters. The pre-specified input parameters u are any experimental controls set a priori. In the model considered here, this is the half maximal inhibitory concentration (\(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)) for a novel PARP1 inhibitor molecule. \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)is a commonly used metric in experimental biology for quantifying a molecule’s ability to inhibit a specific biological function.

Bayesian optimal experimental design

Bayesian optimal experimental design is a statistical framework that aims to identify the most informative experimental conditions or measurements to improve parameter estimation and model predictions in the presence of uncertainty22,23. It involves iteratively selecting experiments24,25 that maximize the expected information gain or other objectives, such as mean objective cost of uncertainty26,27, given prior knowledge, model uncertainty, and the available resources. The goal is to strategically design experiments that provide the most valuable information via uncertainty reduction in the calibrated model predictions.

In our application, we want to identify an experimental design \(\xi\) (i.e., a specific species we can measure from the cell in the presence of a PARP1 inhibitor) from the set of feasible designs, \(\Xi\), which optimizes information gain regarding uncertain parameters, \(\theta\), given the outcome of that experiment, y. Moving forward, we assumed the set of experiments we search over \(\xi \in \Xi\) are all equally easy to conduct in the laboratory. In a more general case, additional constraints can be incorporated to this approach to prioritize ease of implementation. Let us denote the set of all uncertain parameters within the ODE system, including initial conditions and rate constants, as the set \(\Theta\). For tractability reasons, we may choose to only consider a subset of the parameters which are deemed most significant via global sensitivity analysis and refer to the vector of key, significant parameters as \(\theta \in \Theta\). We also denote the vector of experimental designs being considered as \(\xi \in \mathcal{X} \subset \Xi\), and \(|\mathcal{X}| = N_{\xi }\) is the number of design decisions to choose from in optimization. Here, the individual experiments represent a species to measure in an experiment representing the process modeled in the PARP1-inhibited cell apoptosis PD model. We assume prior distributions on the uncertain parameters \(p(\theta )\), and a likelihood of the data conditional on the parameters and controls variables, \(p(y|\theta , \xi , u)\). For a general objective function of interest, \(J(\xi ; u)\), where \(\xi\) are the decision variables and u inputs to Eq. (1), the Bayesian optimal experimental design task is described by Eq. (2).

$$\begin{aligned} \xi ^{*} = \arg \max _{\xi \in \Xi }J(\xi ;u) \end{aligned}$$

Traditionally, this objective \({J}\) is the expected information gain (EIG), a quantitative measure of entropy reduction between the prior and posterior probability distributions of \(\theta\)28,29. Conceptually, EIG is used to measure how much useful knowledge we expect to gain from an experiment before actually performing it. EIG computes the difference in the entropy, or randomness, of a system before and after obtaining new data. This metric helps in choosing experiments that are predicted to be the most informative, based on current knowledge. Essentially, it guides decision-making by prioritizing experiments that maximize the clarity or accuracy of the model’s outputs, thereby making the research process more efficient and targeted. Under the EIG formulation, computing the objective function of the optimal experimental design problem becomes a nested expectation computation under the marginal distribution of experimental outcomes. The posterior distributions are often then estimated using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm to compute the information gained. For this application, we are not interested in optimal experiments which simply minimize relative entropy in the prior and posterior distributions in \(\theta\), as is the standard practice in BOED. Instead, we wish to select optimal experimental designs that minimize uncertainty in lethality predictions made by the ODE model under different inhibitor drug \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\), i.e., different \(u \in \mathcal{U}\). In this model setting, lethality (i.e., probability of cell apoptosis) can be viewed as a probabilistic analog to the traditional dose-response curve and is defined in Eq. (3).

To that end, we devise two metrics for quantifying uncertainty in cell lethality predictions at different \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)values. The first is the uncertainty in the probability of triggering cell apoptosis at a given \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\), represented as \(\sigma _{apop}(u)\). This quantity defines a standard deviation on the predicted probability of apoptosis at varying levels of the inhibitor concentration, denoted as \(u = IC_{50}\). One can see in Fig. 2a that \(\sigma _{apop}(u)\) quantifies how certain or uncertain we are about the model’s prediction at each concentration of inhibitor. A lower \(\sigma _{apop}(u)\) at a given IC indicates a higher confidence in the model’s prediction of apoptosis probability at that concentration. This allows researchers to identify the concentrations at which the model’s predictions regarding whether the cells will live or not are most reliable. One may choose to only consider the \(\sigma _{apop}\) at very small \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\), since we are interested in drug molecules which are most effective at low doses.

The second metric quantifies the uncertainty in determining the IC\(_{50}\) (i.e., the concentration of the inhibitor) that achieves a specified probability, \(\mathbb {T}\), of triggering apoptosis. Figure 2b shows a graph of \(\sigma _{IC_{50}}(\mathbb {T})\) as a function of IC\(_{50}\) for a fixed \(\mathbb {T}\) (e.g., \(\mathbb {T}\) = 0.75, meaning 75% probability of apoptosis) and illustrates the variability or width of the IC\(_{50}\) estimate. A smaller \(\sigma _{IC_{50}}(\mathbb {T})\) at a given \(\mathbb {T}\) indicates more precision in identifying the IC\(_{50}\) required to reach the desired probability of apoptosis.

In essence, each of these metrics serve to quantitatively assess the robustness and reliability of the model in predicting effective doses and expected cellular responses. By quantifying the uncertainties, we can better understand the limitations of our model and identify the ranges of inhibitor concentrations where predictions are most and least certain. More detail on these metrics is discussed in Appendix “Uncertainty metrics”. In addition, we discuss the multi-objective treatment of these two metrics, and the sensitivity of the optimal recommended experiment to that treatment, in section “Results and discussion”.

Figure 2
figure 2

Graphical depictions of uncertainty metrics for probabilistic lethality curves in (a) \(\sigma _{apop}(u)\) at \(u=0.001\) and (b) \(\sigma _{IC_{50}}(\mathbb {T})\) at target probability threshold \(\mathbb {T}\) = 0.75. The shaded green region represents a distribution of lethality curves that is computed from an ensemble of posterior distributions in the uncertain parameters \(\theta\). The mean of this distribution in lethality curves is shown in the square data points.


We consider a dynamic PARP1-inhibited cell apoptosis models for both wild-type human cells published in30. This model represents the programmed cell death pathway, particularly in cancer cells exhibiting DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). The fate of these cells hinges on two key processes: (1) Caspase-mediated cell death or (2) DNA repair. In case (1) The activation of caspases, which are proteases, are known to lead to apoptosis if they reach a threshold concentration value31, effectively eliminating cells with damaged DNA. This, in turn, slows the proliferation of cancerous cells. In case (2), cells have the capability to repair DSBs, potentially surviving despite the initial damage. Importantly, our model includes the interaction of these pathways with a PARP1 inhibitor. PARP1 (Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1) is an enzyme crucial for the repair process of DSBs. By inhibiting PARP1, our model explores the potential to prevent the repair of DSBs in cancerous cells, thus promoting apoptosis through unresolved DNA damage. In the context of our optimal experimental design, we aim to investigate the effects of varying levels of PARP1 inhibition on the balance between cell death and DNA repair. The goal is to identify experimental conditions that maximize our confidence in how effectively PARP1 inhibitors shift this balance towards apoptosis in cancer cells, thereby providing insights into potential therapeutic strategies. Thus, for the present study, the process that this model represents is the inhibition of PARP1 as a therapy for cancer. By applying an inhibitor via a specified \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\), inhibition of PARP1 halts the DNA strand break repair process, reducing damage repair pathways and potentially leading to cell apoptosis. Further information on the model and the complete system of differential equations is available in Eq. (S1).

The model consists of a set of 23 ordinary differential equations (ODE) wherein a subset of the 27 rate constant parameters are considered uncertain. This model takes as inputs (1) an \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)value and (2) initial conditions and (3) kinetic parameter values. In the present study, we only consider output at a specific time point, (i.e., the final time point) when performing inference. This means that the likelihood we supply for the data follows a Normal distribution in the model prediction at \(t=\tau\), where \(\tau\) is the time limit for the numerical integrator used to solve the ODE system at a given \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\), and with a known \(\sigma\) that is computed with a \(10\%\) error relative to the model prediction. Information for the uncertain parameters considered in this study was first elicited from expert understanding of the system and relevant sources. Nominal parameter values and confidence interval information are shown in Table S1. Details regarding the construction of all prior distributions on uncertain parameters considered in the present study are provided in Table S2. In addition, because experimental data for species concentrations within a single cell undergoing PARP1-inhibited apoptosis are not readily available, we utilize simulated experimental data for our study that is generated via the procedure described in Appendix section “Simulated experimental data”.

Objective function specification

In this study, we prioritize a goal-oriented objective function based on model prediction accuracy, considering this as the primary aim of our experimental design. This approach is chosen over metrics like expected information gain (EIG), which, while effective in reducing parameter uncertainty, do not necessarily align with our core objective of enhancing the reliability and accuracy of PD model predictions. As noted previously, the quantity-of-interest in assessing the performance of PARP1 inhibitor is the predicted lethality. The predicted lethalities are then used to compute our uncertainty metrics or objective functions, \(\sigma _{apop}(u)\) and \(\sigma _{IC_{50}}(\mathbb {T})\). Here, we specify the method for computing lethality, i.e., probability of triggering cell death. It has been shown that a activated caspase molecule count in the cell above a threshold of 1,000 is sufficient to trigger cell apoptosis16. Therefore, we can compute whether or not cell apoptosis has been irreversibly triggered by the introduction of a PARP1 inhibitor by computing \(y_{k}^{max} := \displaystyle \max _{t \in [1,\dots ,\tau ]} y_{k}(t)\) where \(k=\)Casp-act. Thus, lethality, or P(apoptosis) can be computed by sampling the prior (posterior) probability distributions of the uncertain parameters, \(\theta ^i \sim p(\theta ) \ \forall i \in [1,\dots , N_s]\), specifying a value for \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\), and integrating the system of ODEs. Given the ensemble of \(N_s\) maximum-caspase concentrations, P(apoptosis) can be calculated as shown in Eq. (3).

$$\begin{aligned}&P(apoptosis) := \frac{1}{N_{s}} \sum _{i=1}^{N_s} \mathbbm {1}_{y_{Casp,i}^{max} \ge 1000} \end{aligned}$$

Here, \(N_s\) is the Monte Carlo sample count. When computed at all \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)of interest, we retrieve a vector of P(apoptosis|u) predictions \(\forall u \in \mathcal {U}\), producing a lethality curve for a given posterior parameter estimate.

Incorporating biological constraints

In addition to the expert-elicited prior probability information in Table S1, there is other biologically and therapeutically relevant information that we can incorporate into Bayesian parameter estimation to further constrain our posterior predictions. First, we know that for PARP1 inhibitor drugs with sufficiently high \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)values (i.e., low efficacy), we expect the repair signal from PARP1 to win out over the programmed cell death induced by p53. This means that at high \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\), the DNA double strand break will be repaired and the cell will live. We also know the opposite to be true: for low \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\), programmed cell death will be induced and the cell will die. In mathematical terms, we can say:

$$\begin{aligned} P(\text {apoptosis}) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0,&{}\text { if }\text {IC}_{\text {50 }} \ge 100\\ 1, &{}\text { if }\text {IC}_{\text {50 }} \le 0.001\\ \text {Equation}~3 &{} \text {otherwise} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

This prior knowledge regarding the effect of a drug on our quantity of interest does not directly translate to knowledge regarding the uncertain model parameters. However, because the quantity of interest is computed directly from an output of the model (i.e., concentration of activated caspases) we can still include this prior knowledge in Bayesian inference in three equivalent ways: in the likelihood, the prior, or through post facto filtering of the estimated posterior chain. For the present application, we choose the posterior filtering approach due to numerical challenges in the HMC sampling algorithm used to estimate the posterior distribution.

The posterior filtering approach used involves sampling a larger chain (in this study, 50,000 samples) for each simulated experimental data point. If a given parameter sample in the posterior chain leads to the violation of the constraints in Eq. (4) when specified in the forward simulation model under the nominal \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)(i.e., Talazoparib, see Appendix section “Simulated experimental data”), that sample is removed from the chain.

Results and discussion

In this section, we provide the key findings of our study applying Bayesian optimal experimental design to the PARP1-inhibited cell apoptosis model. First, we conduct a prior sensitivity analysis, follow by posterior estimation and computation of our optimal experimental design objectives.

Prior sensitivity

We conducted a prior sensitivity analysis computed for a quantity of interest, \(P(\text {apoptosis})\). The purpose of this study is to understand how much reduction in uncertainty is required to achieve desired lethality curve predictions. The result of this study is shown in Fig. 3.

Figure 3
figure 3

The probability of cell death \(P(\text {apoptosis})\) plotted against \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)for different multiplicative factors of the standard deviation \(\sigma\) in the prior distributions (a) without and (b) with applying the constraints in Eq. (4).

Here, the \(P(\text {apoptosis})\) is computed by (1) drawing 1,000 random samples from prior probability distributions for each uncertain parameter, then (2) solving the model in Eq. (S1) at those parameter sample values and (3) computing \(P(\text {apoptosis})\) via Eq. (3) for all \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)= [0.001, 0.01, 0.032, 0.1, 0.32, 1.0, 3.2, 10.0, 100.0]. To determine the model sensitivity against the priors, we scale \(\sigma\) for each parameter by a multiplicative factor to narrow the support of the prior distribution around its nominal mean. In Fig. 3a, we neglect our prior constraints and just solve the model under the unconstrained prior samples. Under these conditions, we see that given the nominal prior uncertainty (i.e., \(1.0\sigma )\), the effect of \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)on lethality vanishes (i.e., it is a more-or-less flat line). From the results, it appears that the model requires at minimum a reduction in prior uncertainty of two orders of magnitude (i.e., \(0.01\sigma\)) before a predictive model is restored via sigmoidal curvature in the prior lethality curve. This implies that achieving a reduction in uncertainty spanning two orders of magnitude across all uncertain parameters is imperative to differentiate therapeutic performance between different inhibitors using the PD model.

In Fig. 3b, we conduct the same sensitivity analysis while also applying the constraints in Eq. (4) to restrict the model-predicted lethality values using biological insights. Under these conditions, we obtain lethality curve predictions that have the desired sigmoidal shape, showing low therapeutic performance at large \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)and high therapeutic performance at small \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\). However, it is also evident that significant reduction in parameter uncertainty (0.0001\(\sigma\)) is required to achieve apoptotic switch behavior at low \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)16.

It is worth noting that this sensitivity analysis involved altering all prior \(\sigma\) values by the same amount, and the existence of parameter correlations could potentially yield alternative outcomes in terms of the necessary uncertainty reduction. However. these results underscores the need for substantial reduction in parameter uncertainty in PD models to re-establish predictive ability.

Posterior estimation

We estimate posterior probability distributions for the uncertain parameters using the proposed Bayesian optimal experimental design approach. Details regarding the underlying algorithm are provided in Appendix section “Algorithmic approach”. The summary statistics for (1) mean posterior parameter estimates, (2) effective sample size per parameter, and (3) filtered chain length are shown in Tables S7–S16. The filtering procedure leads to non-uniform posterior chain lengths and lower effective sample sizes, as shown in the summary statistics. We note that only approximately 1% of samples in the posterior chains pass the constraints enforced via Eq. (4). This is indicative of a known challenge in applying feasibility constraints after sampling: that the vast majority of the parameter space explored is ultimately infeasible, even for sufficiently large chains. Therefore, in future work, we aim to explore methods such as Bayesian constraint relaxation32 to enforce relaxed constraints on our probabilistic model while maintaining numerical stability in standard Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling algorithms. Still, the average ESS per parameter is still close to the average chain length for each species, implying a high number of non-correlated samples in the posterior chains we computed. Additionally, we note that the assumption of Log-Normal prior probability distributions for all the model parameters is an assumption with ramifications on the final derived posterior distributions.

Value of information estimation

The ensemble of predicted lethality curves for each experimental design considered (i.e., species) are shown in Fig. 4. It is clear from the plots that certain species induce less spread in lethality predictions across \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)(e.g., mRNA-Bax) while other exhibit more variability (e.g., Casp-pro). To quantitatively understand these trends, we compute the the values of \(\sigma _{apop}(u)\) and \(\sigma _{IC_{50}}(\mathbb {T})\). The plots in Fig. 5a,b show how these uncertainty metrics evolve over u and \(\mathbb {T}\), respectively. Tabulated results are available in Tables S4 and S5.

Figure 4
figure 4

Ensemble of lethality curves predicted for each measurable species considered at different \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)values. Each individual curve represents a different lethality prediction obtained from a single synthetic experimental measurement. The mean over all 100 measurements is shown in black.

Figure 5
figure 5

Uncertainty metrics for synthetic lethality computed at different \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)using posterior distributions inferred using concentration data for the measurable species considered.

It is seen in Fig. 5a that there is a regime at small \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)(which is the regime with the greatest therapeutic viability) wherein the minimizer of \(\sigma _{apop}\) changes. In particular, at \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)= 0.01 and \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)= 0.03, the \(\xi\) which minimizes the \(\sigma _{apop}\) objective is Casp-act. At \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)> 0.03, the minimizer becomes mRNA-Bax for the rest of the \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)range considered. This can also be seen in Table S4, where the minimum value of \(\sigma _{apop}\) in each column (i.e., for each \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)) is demarcated with an \(*\).

When considering the \(\sigma _{apop}\) objective alone, and when only placing significance in reducing uncertainty at low \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\), the optimal decision \(\xi ^{*}\) = Casp-act. At \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)= 0.01, the potential reduction in uncertainty in P(apoptosis) under experimental designs (i.e., measurements) \(\xi ^{*} =\) Casp-act is 24% when compared to Bad-Bcl-xL, the species with the highest \(\sigma _{apop}(0.01)\). We note again that reduction in \(\sigma _{apop}\) directly translates to a reduction in the uncertainty regarding the predicted P(apoptosis) for a given inhibitor (i.e., at a given \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)). This is analogous to reducing uncertainty in a given inhibitor drug’s expected performance. In summary, this result implies that it is optimal to acquire and calibrate to experimental data regarding Casp-act concentrations if we wish to maximize confidence in the expected lethalities of inhibitors with with low \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\).

In the case of \(\sigma _{IC_{50}}\), as shown in Fig. 5b, the trend of which \(\xi\) minimizes the objective remains consistent across threshold values \(\mathbb {T}=[0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]\). Thus, when considering the \(\sigma _{IC_{50}}\) objective alone, and for any threshold, the optimal \(\xi ^{*}\) = mRNA-Bax. We note that reduction in \(\sigma _{IC_{50}}\) directly translates to a reduction in the uncertainty regarding which \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)achieves the target P(apoptosis) threshold, \(\mathbb {T}\). This is analogous to reducing uncertainty in a which inhibitor drug achieves the desired expected performance. For a potent inhibitor with \(\mathbb {T} =\) 0.9, selecting the optimal experimental design \(\xi ^{*}\) = mRNA-Bax over Casp-act (i.e., the species with the highest \(\sigma _{IC_{50}}(0.9)\)) results in a substantial 57% reduction in uncertainty regarding the specific \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)associated with achieving this cell death probability. In summary, this result implies that it is optimal to acquire and calibrate to experimental data regarding mRNA-Bax concentrations if we wish to maximize model prediction confidence in which inhibitor dosage achieves a given expected lethality.

When combining these two metrics to determine an optimal experimental design (i.e., which protein to measure in the lab to reduce uncertainty in lethality curve predictions) we provide an optimal design \(\xi ^{*}\) against the following objectives: (1) \(\sigma _{IC_{50}}\) at a threshold of 0.90, (2) \(\sigma _{apop}\) at \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)= 0.01, and (3) weighted averages of both. In the case of the weighted averages, we take the objective to be defined as: \(w_1 \sigma _{IC_{50}} + w_2 \sigma _{apop}\) wherein \(w_1 + w_2 = 1\). For the purposes of illustrating the sensitivity of the combined objective to the selection of weights \(w_1, w_2\), we show this weighted average objective under \(w_1 = [0.01, 0.1]\). These results are tabulated in Table S6. The results of the weighted average show that at \(w_1 = 0.01\), Casp-act is optimal, while at \(w_1 = 0.1\), mRNA-Bax is preferred. Although the weights used here are arbitrary, domain knowledge can be integrated in the assignment of weights, leading to optimal experiments that align with what is understood regarding the underlying biological pathways.

In each of the objectives considered, activated caspase or Bax mRNA are identified as the optimal experimental measurements that could maximally reduce model prediction uncertainty if used in calibration. Here, we provide some insight as to why this may be the case given the present study. A possible explanation for the switch from \(\xi ^{*} =\) Casp-act to \(\xi ^{*} =\) mRNA-Bax at low to intermediate \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)may be because of the time dynamics. If a higher \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)is needed to kill a cancer cell via apoptosis, then measuring a species that represent the precursor steps to triggering apoptosis may more informative than the activated caspase itself. It is also possible that mRNA-Bax performs best across a wider range of drug dosages because it is more proximal to the mechanism of action. Once PARP is inhibited, only a few reactions are needed to trigger mRNA-Bax formation, and ultimately, the activation of caspase.

These differing outcomes across the different experimental design objectives underscore the essential role of biological insights in differentiating among optimal experimental designs.


In this work, we utilized a realistic PD model for PARP1-inhibited cell apoptosis in a model-guided optimal experimental design workflow to reduce uncertainty in the performance of cancer drug candidates. We first showed that, under prior uncertainty, the ability for the model to discriminate between PARP1-inhibitor therapeutic performance disappears. Through extensive simulations and Bayesian inference, we have demonstrated the potential of our methodology to reduce parameter uncertainties and reestablish a discriminatory PD model for drug discovery. Additionally, our exploration of the PARP1 inhibited cell apoptosis model has yielded novel insights into species-specific dependencies with PARP1 inhibitor \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\), informing optimal measurement choices. Introducing therapeutic performance metrics based on the half maximal inhibitory concentration (\(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\)), we provide a comprehensive evaluation of drug efficacy under parameter uncertainty. Specifically, we identified optimal experiments under three distinct objectives: (1) \(\sigma _{IC_{50}}\) at a threshold of 0.90, (2) \(\sigma _{apop}\) at IC50=0.01, and (3) a weighted average of both metrics. At low \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\), our results indicate that measuring activated caspases is optimal, with the potential to significantly reduce uncertainty in model-predicted cell death probability. And at high \(\text {IC}_{\text {50 }}\), Bax mRNA emerges as the favored contender for experimental measurement. We note that our algorithmic approach, which includes collecting a large number of posterior samples and then rejecting parameter samples that violate biological constraints, leads to a majority of samples being rejected. Therefore, in future work, we will explore alternatives for enforcing biological constraints in Bayesian inference, such as relaxed constraints in the data likelihood. Additionally, it would be beneficial to identify lab experiments that can be conducted to acquire data which is compatible with our model so that we can validate the results of our OED and further constrain the model parameters. It is also important to note that while the present study considered a relatively small set of experimental designs (i.e., 5), this approach easily generalizes to larger design spaces. However, for larger problems, challenges may arise due to the computational resources required in computing posterior probability distributions. For this reason, it will be necessary to consider high performance computing acceleration, as was done in the present study (see section “Implementation”). For very large experimental design systems, further advancements via parallelization of HMC methods or heuristic approaches may be required to reduce computational burden.

In summary, our combined metric-based approach not only elucidates the importance of tailored species measurements to minimize uncertainty in lethality curve predictions but also introduces a flexible framework for optimal experimental design using novel biological pathway models. Thus, our contributions bridge the critical gap between model-guided optimal design and uncertainty quantification, advancing the realm of computational drug discovery.