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Currently Skimming:

1 Background and Study Task
Pages 14-23

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From page 14...
... This committee will address the adequacy of strategies to prevent, counter, and respond to nuclear terrorism, and identify technical, policy, and resource gaps with respect to: 1. identifying national and international nuclear risks, and critical emerging threats; 2.
From page 15...
... . The NNSA defines their role along three lines of effort: (National Nuclear Security Administration 2021b)
From page 16...
... Prevent Counter Respond FIGURE 1-2 Abridged list of U.S. Government Agencies focused on nuclear terrorism mapped to the missions of preventing, countering, and responding to nuclear threats that were able to brief the Academy committee.
From page 17...
... The Bureau investigates threats, gathers intelligence, and works to disrupt and dismantle networks involved in nuclear terrorism. In addition to intelligence activities, the Critical Incident Response Group and Forensics team within the FBI have key roles for managing the investigation in the aftermath of a nuclear incident.1 The NRC regulates the civilian use of nuclear materials in the United States, preventing nuclear terrorism by preventing the proliferation of nuclear and radiological materials at nuclear power plants, fuel cycle facilities, and other licensed nuclear facilities.
From page 18...
... These diplomatic efforts include engaging international partners in active participating in nonproliferation initiatives and abiding by legal frameworks for preventing, countering, and responding to nuclear terrorism threats. DOS plays an essential role in building international consensus, promoting security cooperation, strengthening international organizations and treaties, and addressing the global challenges posed by nuclear terrorism.
From page 19...
... Senior leaders at the relevant departments and agencies should prioritize this mission and the White House will have to provide ongoing oversight that ensures close interagency coordination and focus. 1.4 ORGANIZATION OF THE REPORT The report is organized into the following chapters: Chapter 2 Nuclear Terrorism Threats Chapter 3 New Dynamics in Nuclear Terrorism Pose New Risks Chapter 4 Geo-political and other Changes Eroding Longstanding Nuclear Security Norms and Practices Chapter 5 The Evolving Civil Nuclear Energy Sector: adapting approaches and new opportunities Chapter 6 The Risks associated with Highly Enriched Uranium and Plutonium Chapter 7 Managing the Risks and Benefits of Radioactive Sources Chapter 8 Detection and Interdiction Efforts within and outside the Global Supply System Chapter 9 Response and Recovery to Nuclear Incidents Chapter 2 describes and assesses the tools and types of nuclear terrorism.
From page 20...
... 1.5 PREVIOUS/RELEVANT NATIONAL ACADEMIES REPORTS The National Academies has published many reports relevant to this study to include nuclear risk assessment, international nuclear policy, and nuclear/radioactive threat reduction (National Academies of Sciences 2023)
From page 21...
... • Monitoring Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear-Explosive Materials: An Assessment of Methods and Capabilities (2005) References Arms Control Association.
From page 22...
... National Intelligence Council Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee.
From page 23...
... This data depicts examples of the potential devastating damage from nuclear weapons but does not capture what would also be significant psychological damage nationwide. Also discussed in this chapter are other threats including improvised nuclear devices, radiological dispersal and exposure devices, and physical and cyber-attacks on nuclear power plants.

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