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Appendix C: Committee, Consultant, and Staff Biographies
Pages 126-132

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From page 126...
... , and following the 9/11 attacks he was the executive director of a blue-ribbon Council on Foreign Relations homeland security task force. He served as the principal advisor to the bipartisan Congressional Port Security Caucus, advised the Bush Administration on maritime and homeland security issues, and after the November 2008 election of President Barack Obama, served as the lead policy advisor on homeland security as a part of the presidential transition team.
From page 127...
... Member Julie Bentz retired in 2019 after a successful 33-year career, spanning active, reserve and National Guard commissioned service. She has been a recurring member of the White House National Security Council Staff and Homeland Security Council for the Executive Office of the President.
From page 128...
... In 1993-94 he served as special assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy and he worked in the State Department as an American Institute of Physics fellow. He has been a member of the Director of National Intelligence's Intelligence Science Board and DOE's Nuclear Energy Advisory Committee; served as president of the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs and as vice chairman of the Federation of American Scientists; and has been a visiting fellow at Stanford's Center for International Security and Cooperation, Harvard's Center for Science and International Affairs, MIT's Plasma Fusion Center, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
From page 129...
... , Institute for National Strategic Studies, at National Defense University. He joined CSWMD as a Senior Research Fellow in 2011, and his civilian government experience includes senior staff assignments at the Defense Intelligence Agency, the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, and on the National Security Council staff as Director for both Proliferation Strategy and for Intelligence Programs.
From page 130...
... that discusses the international response to events at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. Jessica Stern is a research professor at Boston University and a senior fellow at both the Center for Naval Analyses and the Community Safety Branch at the Harvard T.H.
From page 131...
... in Engineering Science from the University of Michigan, and both a Masters of Science and PhD in Theoretical & Applied Mechanics from the University of Illinois. TECHNICAL CONSULTANT Nickolas Roth serves as a senior director on the Nuclear Threat Initiative's Nuclear Materials Security Program team, where he focuses on reducing the risk of nuclear terrorism, advancing arms control and disarmament, and strengthening institutions that support non-proliferation.

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