About NanoReview

NanoReview is a platform for advanced comparison of laptops, smartphones, CPUs, and other tech devices. Our mission is to provide the most accurate, up-to-date information to help users make informed decisions. We are trusted by millions of people worldwide every month, and our community is growing day by day.


There are so many choices nowadays, especially when it comes to the tech industry. When you want to buy a new smartphone or laptop, you must research tons of different sources to decide which device will be best for your needs. In doing so, the founder of NanoReview encountered many problems, such as the following:

Data Fragmentation

A full list of specifications and tests are not provided in one place. Official sources usually give only basic specs, so you have to manually search for them on different websites.

Our Approach:
  • We collect all the necessary information in one place and provide a comprehensive comparison of devices.

Data Inaccuracy

Often, most sites have outdated or incorrect information. Editors just copy-paste specs or parse them without double-checking.

Our Approach:
  • Our editors regularly review the data following our internal protocol.
  • A community of enthusiasts helps us fix incorrect data through comments and via a feedback form.

Weak Test Methodology

The same goes for benchmarks and tests. Many of them are outdated. YouTubers test it once, release a video, and that's all. In a few months, however, the device can show quite different results due to software updates, benchmark updates, ambient temperature, and so on.

Our Approach:
  • We have a network of partners who regularly test devices and provide us with the latest data.
  • We employ crowdsourcing for benchmarks and test results.
  • We don't add all possible smartphones or laptops, only those that are worth it and have enough data to make a decision.
  • We show the average results of many tests on the same device, reducing the impact of outlier bias.

Time-Consuming Process

You need to spend many hours watching YouTube, reading expert reviews and user opinions, while manually comparing the pros and cons of each product. Manually researching and comparing products is time-consuming and can be overwhelming.

Our Approach:
  • We use aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) and other machine-learning techniques to analyze expert reviews and verify user opinions.
  • Combined with comprehensive tests and specs, this enables us to provide easy-to-understand ranking scores (0–100).

Inconvenient Comparisons

Most side-by-side comparison sites provide only basic specs and don't have a precise scoring system or list of the pros and cons or conclusions. They have bulky templates, are bloated with ads, and provide a poor user experience.

Our Approach:
  • We provide all this and more in one place in an easy-to-understand way for both newbies and experienced users.
  • On our comparison pages, visitors can vote, leave comments, ask questions, and upload their benchmark results.
  • The template is minimalistic, user-friendly, and fast-loading, as it's built from scratch

Limited Price-to-Value Analysis

Usually, sites have basic price-to-value (PTV) scores, with only specific prices (usually from shops they are partnered with in the United States). They often use a simple linear formula that is not useful in real life.

Our Approach:
  • With our PTV calculator, you can set your prices and choose the currency, so it can be used from any country.
  • We use more advanced formulas that are more helpful in determining whether it makes sense to pay more for an expensive device or to save money and buy a cheaper one.

Different Priorities and Usage

Often, sites have a simple scoring system that doesn't take into account the user’s priorities. For example, for one person the most important thing might be the camera, for another, the battery life, and for another, the performance.

Our Approach:
  • For phones and laptops, you can set your custom priorities (weights) for each assessment taxonomy (like screen, battery, performance, etc.) and get a personalized NanoReview score.
  • The personalized NanoReview score makes the price-to-value calculator even more useful, as you can calculate PTV for your priorities and with your prices.

Configuration of Laptops

We haven't found any service where you can choose a laptop configuration (like CPU, GPU, RAM) before comparison.

Our Approach:
  • You can choose the configuration of the laptop before comparing it. This allows you to see how different configurations affect the overall score and price-to-value ratio.

These are the main (although not all) reasons why we created NanoReview and why we think it's the best comparison platform for tech devices.

Our current e-mail: contact@nanoreview.net


October 2018 Start of data collection and engine development
June 2019 First version of NanoReview launched with the phone category
September 2019 Add SoC category
April 2020 Public release of the comparison feature.
May 2020 Create CPU category
November 2020 Implement comments and votes feature
December 2020 Add laptop category
August 2021 Support price-to-value calculator feature
October 2021 User can submit their benchmark tests
May 2022 Release of Comparison Engine V2
September 2022 Support custom priorities for phones and laptops
April 2023 Rewrite comparison engine from scratch to V3
February 2024 Add tablets category
June 2024 Add ability to compare same device with different configurations