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    For years, it’s been a Republican scare tactic. A vote to reelect President Joe Biden, they charged, is really a vote for Vice President Kamala Harris — an attack line sometimes tinged with racist and misogynist undertones and often macabre imagery. But after Biden’s dismal performance at last week’s presidential debate sparked loudening calls for him to step aside in favor of a candidate who might have a better chance at beating Republican Donald Trump, in November, what was once dismissed as a far-right conspiracy could now have a chance of coming to pass. And Republicans, including Trump, seem to be scrambling to ramp up their preemptive attacks.

      (CNN) — The crushing defeat of the Conservative Party in the UK election ends Rishi Sunak’s two-year premiership. He has a place in history books as the first British Asian prime minister — but now also as the prime minister to suffer one of the heaviest election defeats in Britain’s modern political history.

        For employees at The Beef, the restaurant that went through drastic changes in the first and second seasons, it’s the death of Mikey, the manager and owner, that resonates.


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