Getting young children to bed: Sweet dreams or nightmare?

Bedtime battles: 1 in 4 parents say their child can't go to sleep because they're worried or anxious

1 in 4 parents say their young child can't go to sleep because of being worried or anxious. 1 in 5 parents give their young child melatonin to help with sleep. 1 in 3 parents stay in the room until their child goes to sleep.

Read the Mott Poll report!

Parents asleep on teen caffeine consumption?

1 in 4 parents say their teen consumes caffeine daily or nearly every day

1 in 4 parents say their teen consumes caffeine every day or nearly every day. 2 in 3 parents think they know whether their teen is consuming too much caffeine. 1 in 3 parents do not identify recommended caffeine limits for teens.

Read the Mott Poll report!

Balancing act: Providing a healthy diet for children

3 in 5 parents play short order cook for young children who don't like family meal

1 in 3 parents think that the standard American diet is healthy for children age 3-10. 1 in 8 parents make their child finish everything on their plate. 3 in 5 parents will make something different if their child does not like what other family members are eating.

Read the Mott Poll report!

Too sick for school? Parents weigh competing priorities

2 in 3 parents say their adolescent or teen worries about how sick days may impact grades

1 in 5 parents consider if their child in middle or high school needs a mental health day when deciding whether they're too sick to go to school. 1 in 4 parents think school attendance policies make it difficult for children with medical conditions. 2 in 3 parents say their child in middle or high school worries about the impact on grades if they are absent from school.

Read the Mott Poll report!