Please, state the official SO policy! Don't give me link to another question where this has been discussed to death without any conclusion at the end.

P.S. Should I accept some answer to this question? ;)

5 Answers 5


As the question owner, it is your right to show what you consider the right or your favorite answer (as often is the case with CW questions, there isn't a "right" answer per se).


Don't give me link to another question where this has been discussed to death without any conclusion at the end.

What? This is meta! It is what we do here!


Yes :D All you're doing is communicating the answer that helped you most, all the other answers are still visible and otehr users can decide for themselves. Plus with all this "accept answer rate" going around, I hope they mean for us to accept answer to CW questions too

  • 4
    CW questions are explicitly excluded from the accepted answer rate calculation -- precisely because CW questions may be such that you cannot accept a single, right answer.
    – tvanfosson
    Commented Sep 28, 2009 at 17:18

I don't see why it wouldn't be.

For an example, in the FAQ, if one post becomes the all encompassing "canonical" source for the answer, then I don't see why marking it as the accepted would be unacceptable.


The system allows you to do it, then it all comes down to deciding yourself if a particular wiki question should have and answer marked as accepted or not, depending entirely on the nature of the question and the answers.

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