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Free Medical Transportation Services

Free Medical Transportation Services for Patients in Financial Need.

Want to Impact Lives? Need Assistance? Contact Us

Imagine someone you know is diagnosed with a deadly disease. You learn from them that a specialist at a renowned hospital can save their life. However, the hospital is hundreds or even thousands of miles away from their home and they cannot afford the cost of transportation. Their life hangs in the balance. 

This is a very real scenario for thousands of patients. The good news is, Mercy Medical Angels can help with free medical transportation services to healthcare. But we can’t do it without your support. Together, we can help restore lives and renew hope for those in need. 

We're here to help.   Please Contact us today!

Patient in Need?

We're standing by to help you.

Contact us . Your request will be directed to a transportation coordinator, who will help you access medical transportation services.

Request Assistance

Volunteering Interest? 

We welcome volunteers.

Whether you’re good on the phone, work with your hands, or want to keep the office looking its best, we need your help! Contact us


Want to Save Lives?

Making a Donation.

Donate.  87% of all donations go to program services.

Become a sponsor. Mercy Medical Angels’ mission depends on the support of individuals, teams, and corporations. 

Give Today!
Mercy Medical Angels
101 West Main Street, Suite 1000, Norfolk, VA 23510

101 West Main Street,

Suite 1000,

Norfolk, VA 23510

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