
  • A new study reveals social factors that increase the risk of dying from air pollution and finds stark racial disparities.

  • Pump for kids’ failing hearts

    A new type of surgically implanted pump that can support a child’s failing heart has passed the first stage of human testing in a Stanford Medicine-led trial.

  • Augmented reality in the OR

    Stanford Medicine physician uses augmented reality to streamline data visualization during surgery.

  • Tachycardia unraveled

    Researchers engineered stem cell-derived heart tissues to study how tachycardia affects the heart and to uncover the inner workings of our body’s engine.

  • Smartwatches diagnose kids’ arrhythmias

    Apple watches have some advantages over traditional ways of diagnosing cardiac arrhythmias in children but need more validation, finds a Stanford Medicine study.

  • Vegan diet improves cardiovascular health

    A Stanford Medicine-led trial of identical twins comparing vegan and omnivore diets found that a vegan diet improves overall cardiovascular health.

  • Abortion bans’ effect on heart defect

    Abortion restrictions will increase the number of newborns with serious heart defects, which could strain hospital resources already in short supply, according to a Stanford Medicine study.

  • How statins improve vascular health

    Statins designed to lower cholesterol have long been noted to work in mysterious ways to improve other aspects of cardiovascular health. A Stanford Medicine-led study uncovers how they do it.

  • Beating-heart transplant

    Surgeons at Stanford Medicine believe the new technique, which has now been performed on six patients, will improve health outcomes for recipients and boost the pool of available organs.

  • Data science meets cardiac science

    While cardiac sphericity was the focus of Stanford Medicine-led research, the possibility of data science expanding the reach of biomedical science was its true core, researchers say.

  • Telomere length crucial in muscular dystrophy

    Telomeres shorten in heart muscle cells from people with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. A Stanford Medicine study finds blocking this process improves the health of these cells grown in a dish.

  • Diabetes drug may treat heart disease

    A genetic variant that inhibits alcohol metabolism harms blood vessel cells, but an antidiabetic medication may mitigate the harm, Stanford Medicine-led research has found.