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About the Office of Strategic Marketing and Communications

As a college of a top-tier university, Penn State College of Medicine has a story to tell. Strengthened by Penn State and connected to Penn State Health, the Office of Strategic Marketing and Communications at the College of Medicine is here to tell that story and protect the brand.

The team supports the mission, vision and strategic priorities of the College of Medicine by working to increase reputational awareness and enhance connections between the college and its various audiences.

The team provides faculty, staff and students guidance and services to keep the brand of the College of Medicine strong to ensure we communicate a consistent image of the college.

We build and promote brand awareness at the college and University level, and provide communications, marketing, design, editorial, digital and web services for college units to reach their goals.

Our teams are built around areas of expertise, and those teams come together to provide integrated and strategic solutions for our clients.

Six people, all wearing white shirts and some wearing white pants and hats, pose holding We are Penn State and paw print signs in the College of Medicine courtyard.
Members of the College of Medicine's marketing and communications team show their Penn State pride during a White Out event in September 2023.

Marketing Brand Story Basic Web content

Our Brand Story

Penn State College of Medicine needs to connect with audiences, pull at their heartstrings, and engage with them on a much deeper level. That’s where brand storytelling comes in.

Brand storytelling is the cohesive narrative that weaves together the facts and emotions that your brand evokes. As a College of Medicine, we need to start sharing the story behind their brand, why it exists and why it matters, consistently across all communication.

So, what’s our brand story?

At Penn State College of Medicine, we know the power of teaching, discovering, training and innovating. And through rigorous education and innovative research, our impact is felt far beyond Pennsylvania. Strengthened by our university and connected to a health system, educating caregivers and equipping researchers who understand what it truly means to lead. And we’ll never stop. Because we know there is always more work to be done. We are the change that health care needs. We define what medicine means.

Three people wearing Penn State College of Medicine shirts stand behind a table, handing out items to two people on the other side of the table; there are balloons in the background and Defining What Medicine Means projected on a wall.
Members of Penn State College of Medicine's marketing and communications team handed out gifts during the college's "What Medicine Means" brand campaign launch in November 2022.

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Meet our Team

Marketing and Communications Team datatable

Meet our Team

Marketing COMmunicator Discovery Digest Double Feature Boxes

The Communicator

Penn State shield with Penn State College of Medicine in upper left, The COMmunicator in big type with

The COMmunicator, the College of Medicine's dedicated weekly newsletter, gets distributed via email each Tuesday and includes information employees and students said they would like to know is happening.

Sign up for the COMmunicator Submit your newsCOMmunicator Editorial Policy

Discovery Digest

Discovery Digest Discover Digest: Research News and Resources with Penn State College of Medicine logo and branding

Discovery Digest, a monthly email newsletter, features research-related news from Penn State College of Medicine.

Sign up for Discovery Digest Submit your news