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Questions tagged [surgery-theory]

In geometric topology, surgery theory is used to produce one finite-dimensional manifold from another in a 'controlled' way. Originally developed for differentiable (smooth) manifolds, surgery techniques also apply to piecewise linear and topological manifolds. Surgery refers to cutting out parts of the manifold and replacing it with a part of another manifold, matching up along the cut or boundary. This is related to handlebody decompositions.

7 votes
3 answers

Does there exist a Dehn filling of an irreducible 3-manifold with toroidal boundaries which is still irreducible?

Let $M$ be a compact, orientable, irreducible 3-manifold with incompressible toroidal boundary (there might be more than one boundary component). Is it always possible to choose appropriate slopes on ...
YC Su's user avatar
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Dehn surgery on $RP^2 \times S^1$

A standard example of Dehn surgery is obtaining $S^3$ from $S^2 \times S^1$. Consider a unknot $L$ wrapping the non-trivial cycle $S^1$ in $S^2 \times S^1$. We drill out a tubular neighborhood $T_{L} $...
Topology_Dummy_Boy's user avatar
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Possible Euler characteristics of manifolds with tangential structures

Let $p:B\to BO$ be a fibration. We say that a manifold has a $B$-structure if its stable tangent bundle lifts to $B$. I am interested in the question of whether there exists, for a given even ...
Simona Vesela's user avatar
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Finding inverses of certain elements in the set of normal invariants of a smooth manifold

Let, $V$ denote the Stiefel manifold of 2-frames $V_{10,2}$ . Consider the the map $S_\text{diff} (V) \xrightarrow{\eta} N_\text{diff} (V) $ in the surgery exact sequence of a smooth manifold. . ...
Sagnik Biswas's user avatar
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Higher dimensional Seifert surfaces and link numbers of higher knots

In 3-manifold topology, the notion of Seifert surface is well known. It is then used to define link numbers of knots. Question: Consider embedding $N^n \rightarrow M^{2n+1}$ of n-dimensional manifold $...
0x11111's user avatar
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Tangential normal invariant isomorphism

Recently, I was reading the paper "Finite Group Actions on Kervaire Manifold" by Crowley, Hambolton. But I am having problem understanding a definition. Here it is, In page 15-16 they are ...
Sagnik Biswas ma20d013's user avatar
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Gluing a manifold along its boundary, via chain complexes

Given closed oriented $n$-manifolds $M, M', M''$ and bordisms $W, W'$ with $\partial W = M \sqcup - M'$ and $\partial W' = M' \sqcup - M''$, we can collar-glue them to obtain a bordism from $M$ to $M''...
Markus Zetto's user avatar
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On the proof of the surgery step in Wall's book

This question regards a part of the proof of the so called surgery step, in Wall's book "surgery on compact manifolds", Theorem 1.1. Setting $M^m$ smooth manifold, $X$ CW complex, $\phi :M\...
Overflowian's user avatar
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4-manifold obtained from a ribbon disk exterior by attaching a 2-handle is simply-connected if its boundary is a homology sphere

I am reading Lemma 2.1 of this paper ( and I can't see why $W$ is simply-connected. Here is the situation: Let $K$ be a ribbon knot in $S^3$; it bounds a ribbon ...
user302934's user avatar
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About connected cobordism and surgery

I need to find various ways of performing two surgeries on a collection of circles so that the resulting 2-dimensional cobordism (the trace of the surgeries) is connected. How can I find these ? up ...
Usa's user avatar
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Integral homology $S^1\times S^2$'s smoothly bounding integral homology $S^1\times B^3$'s

Suppose we are given a compact orientable 3-manifold $M$ which is an integral homology $S^1\times S^2$. Then is there a way to determine whether $M$ bounds a smooth compact orientable 4-manifold which ...
user302934's user avatar
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Attaching a 2-handle to a once-twisted unlink in the boundary of the 4-ball

Consider the 3-sphere $S_3$ with an unlink loop $L$ whose tubular neighborhood is identified with the solid torus $B_2\times S_1$ with one twist, i.e., such that the image of $x\times S_1$ (where $x$ ...
Andi Bauer's user avatar
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Expository material on the Gromov-Lawson surgery theorem

I am looking for an expository text on the paper "The classification of simply connected manifolds of positive scalar curvature" by Gromov and Lawson, in particular on the proof of Theorem A....
Luke McEvoy's user avatar
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Survey or good reference of taut foliations

I am interested in the topology of foliations. In particular, I want to understand taut foliations, or projectively Anosov flows, and Anosov flows. I guess that A. Candel and L. Conlon, Foliations I (...
user473085's user avatar
8 votes
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Surgery along knots and connected sum

Denote $S^3_{p/q}(K)$ by performing $p/q$-surgery along a knot $K$ in $S^3$. Let $K$ and $J$ be two arbitrary oriented non-trivial knots in $S^3$. Is there a nice relation between surgery on the ...
Terry Black's user avatar

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