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Sloan Hall

The Department of Mathematics welcomes gifts to a variety of funds, be they general-purpose funds to be used for the department’s greatest needs, donations in memory of our former colleagues, or for specific purposes such as graduate student fellowship support, undergraduate fellowships, visitor and distinguished lecture series, student prizes, etc.

The Department of Mathematics wishes to thank all alumni, parents, students, faculty, staff and friends for their generosity in supporting the Department.





To submit an online gift

Donations may be made online via secured credit card payment:

Support Stanford

Gifts in all amounts are invaluable to the following  funds

Mathematics General Gift Fund

Maryam Mirzakhani Graduate Fellowship Fund

Mathematical Research Center Gift fund

To send a check

Donations may also be made by enclosing

  1. a check payable to “Stanford University – Department of Mathematics” and
  2. specific instructions for the gift (eg which fund you wish to contribute)

and mailing them to:

Department of Mathematics Funds
Office of Development, Stanford University
326 Galvez Street
Stanford, CA 94305

Your generosity is very much appreciated!