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For questions on interfacing or getting Mathematica to work together with other software or technologies.

For questions on interfacing or getting Mathematica to work together with other software or technologies. If your question is about a specific language you want to interface with Mathematica, please consider using the appropriate *link tag.

Built in interoperability interfaces:

WRI and third party interoperability packages and interfaces:

  • TetGen (tetrahedral mesh generator and 3D Delaunay triangulator): TetGenLink

  • MATLAB: mEngine. It allows calling MATLAB from Mathematica and transferring matrices/vectors.

  • Python:

    • Pythonika for calling Python from Mathematica

    • see the SystemFiles/Links/Python subdirectory of the Mathematica installation for calling Mathematica from Python

  • The SystemFiles/Links directory contains several packages for interfacing Mathematica with various technologies (some of these packages are unsupported).