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Questions tagged [calculus]

For questions applying to calculus courses. Topics include derivatives, integrals, limits, continuity, series, application questions, etc.

5 votes
1 answer

Does this explanation of integration and the Fundamental Theorems of Calculus make any sense?

First, Sue Pemberton (Pure Mathematics 1 Coursebook, 2018, Cambridge University Press) introduces integration as the reverse process of differentiation ... $\int x^3 \mathrm d x$ is called the ...
user103496's user avatar
7 votes
11 answers

Earliest real-world uses of Calculus and Linear Algebra

I want to illustrate in class that real-world applications of mathematics might take time to come to fruit. In this context, I want to find what the earliest real-world applications of Calculus and ...
Jaikrishnan's user avatar
15 votes
7 answers

A visualization for the quotient rule

Context: first year didactics of mathematics course for middle school teacher students (in Norway). I have a reasonable visualization for the product rule of derivatives: Consider a rectangle with ...
Tommi's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Advice and Remedial Algebra Resources for Students Committed to Calculus

I've got a student in my introductory calculus course. They're failing because they lack algebra skills. They understand the concepts just fine, and can articulate their understanding fine, but get ...
Mike Pierce's user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

What theorems from single-variable calculus break down in the multi-variable context?"

In teaching multi-variable calculus, it's insightful to discuss with students not only how certain concepts from single-variable calculus extend to multiple variables but also where these extensions ...
Humberto José Bortolossi's user avatar
-1 votes
4 answers

Motivating a definition of "gap" in a line just barely more advanced than the one used in the typical first-year calculus course

Imagine a course barely getting into some topics more theoretical than what is done in the typical very staid first-year calculus course, and the kind of students for whom such a course is appropriate....
Michael Hardy's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

What is the terminology for "self-referral" integrals in calculus?

In the topic of integration and anti-derivatives in Calculus we come across cases where the attempt at integration by parts brings us back to the original integral, the most basic example being $\int ...
Maesumi's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Define logarithmic function by functional relation [closed]

My son was working the other day with exercises such as: Find all the mappings $f:\mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{Z}$ verifying $$\forall m,n \in \mathbb{N}, f(m+n)=f(n)+f(m).$$ As another example: Find ...
Dimitris's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Any examples of calculus sequence that deemphasizes calculation tricks?

I'm considering creating a series of classes that explore deeper ideas in calculus without overemphasizing the various computational tricks used in integration and differentiation. My vision is ...
Bilbo's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How can we explain intuitively the convergence and divergence of these two series?

It is known that $\displaystyle\sum_1^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^{1.000001}}$ converges while $\displaystyle\sum_{n\text{ is a prime number}}\frac{1}{n}$ diverges. Though we can logically prove these results,...
Zuriel's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Is this a viable Calculus 1 question?

A person is standing next to a hot air balloon. At the same time, the person starts moving away from the balloon at 5 ft/sec and the balloon rises straight into the air at a rate of 12 ft/sec. Is the ...
Maesumi's user avatar
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27 votes
7 answers

Why not think of derivatives as fractions?

Back in high school—back in the 1900s, as my sons say—when our calculus teacher was introducing the chain rule... $\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{dy}{dt} \cdot \frac{dt}{dx}$ ...he made a special point of ...
adam.baker's user avatar
13 votes
6 answers

"Real life" examples of limits of functions at finite points

This is more specific than this similar question on math.SE, since I'm not satisfied with the answers there. Question: Can you provide an interesting, natural and simple example of some physical/...
Michael Bächtold's user avatar
15 votes
15 answers

Students can't seem to grasp the intent of tangent lines and getting general trends of derivatives from graphs

Background I'm informally helping a few students with college Calc 1. This isn't the first time I've aided people with calculus, and so they've sought me for help, though I don't consider myself to ...
Krupip's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What would be a good pacing for teaching this calculus 2 course?

Next semester I'm going to lecture calculus 2 in an institution I just joined. However, when I had calculus 2 back then the syllabus was very different, it mainly covered several variable calculus up ...
karlabos's user avatar
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