Invest in the Vision

Discover Manhattan's historic campaign and learn how you can make an impact.

Our Compass Points to Success

We Make the Journey Together

Image of a green compass.

Invest in the Vision: The Campaign for Manhattan is a historic $165 million campaign to secure and strengthen Manhattan College’s Lasallian Catholic educational mission at a time of unprecedented technological, social and economic change. For 166 years, our College has prepared students of all circumstances for ethical leadership in their communities and careers. With the support of loyal alumni and friends, we will remain a beacon of opportunity for all students, regardless of means.

Giving Stories

Learn about the ideas and inspiration behind gifts from Manhattan College alumni and friends. Read all giving stories.


Michael ’58 and Aimee Kakos

"Giving back, helping the College and today’s students—we believe it’s the right thing to do."

Read Giving Stories

Mark Pfaff ’80

“Along the way, there are people and institutions—like Manhattan College—that help us get where we are... we believe in showing our gratitude to the places that have had an impact on our lives.”

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