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Access to Recreation Grant - Apply Now! University cost of living support fund paused until 1st October Student Exec Team 23-24: Year in review Manchester Students’ Union: Everything you need to know Access to Recreation Grant - Apply Now! University cost of living support fund paused until 1st October Student Exec Team 23-24: Year in review Manchester Students’ Union: Everything you need to know Access to Recreation Grant - Apply Now! University cost of living support fund paused until 1st October Student Exec Team 23-24: Year in review Manchester Students’ Union: Everything you need to know Access to Recreation Grant - Apply Now! University cost of living support fund paused until 1st October Student Exec Team 23-24: Year in review Manchester Students’ Union: Everything you need to know Access to Recreation Grant - Apply Now! University cost of living support fund paused until 1st October Student Exec Team 23-24: Year in review Manchester Students’ Union: Everything you need to know Access to Recreation Grant - Apply Now! University cost of living support fund paused until 1st October Student Exec Team 23-24: Year in review Manchester Students’ Union: Everything you need to know Access to Recreation Grant - Apply Now! University cost of living support fund paused until 1st October Student Exec Team 23-24: Year in review Manchester Students’ Union: Everything you need to know Access to Recreation Grant - Apply Now! University cost of living support fund paused until 1st October Student Exec Team 23-24: Year in review Manchester Students’ Union: Everything you need to know Access to Recreation Grant - Apply Now! University cost of living support fund paused until 1st October Student Exec Team 23-24: Year in review Manchester Students’ Union: Everything you need to know
Get Involved

Make a difference!

Expand your horizons with talks to learn more about the world, trips to go and see it first hand, or opportunities to connect with the people and communities around you.


Become a Halls Rep!

If you live in a hall of residence, get involved as an Events Rep or Student Voice Rep within your Hall Exec Team.

Event Rep

You’ll volunteer alongside other reps within your team to organise activities for the students in your hall- anything from outdoor cinema events, day festivals, hall balls and trips across the UK. Skills you’ll gain: Communication and interpersonal skills, budget management (each hall has their own yearly budget to spend from), organisational skills, problem solving, creativity, leadership skills.

Student Voice Rep

You’ll work with other Voice Reps both within your hall and across other halls, as well as other Student Leaders and our SU Exec Officers, to represent students within halls and make sure their voices are heard! Voice Reps have previously brought issues with Hall Gyms to light and improved access to these, partnered with charities to improve biodiversity in hall green spaces, petitioned for disused reception areas to be reopened by the university and advocated for halls to be given access to advertising platforms across halls and the SU. 

Skills you’ll gain: Communication and interpersonal skills, active listening, public speaking and presentation skills, self-management, analytical thinking, leadership skills, budget management.  

Why volunteer?

  • Meet new people – You’ll be at the forefront of halls life, known across campus for organising activities and representing students, as well as being part of a friendly volunteering community.
  • Develop new skills and add to your CV – You’ll receive training and support throughout your role to build your skills and confidence as well as a wealth of experience to add to your CV.
  • Make a positive change to the lives of people within your hall – Voice Reps will be consulting students within halls to find out how they’re finding University and halls life and delivering student feedback to the Senior Management team in UoM, at Union Assembly and forums with the City and Community Officer, all to spark positive change for students. Event Reps will have opportunities to deliver a calendar of events throughout the year, including freshers/welcome week events, making student’s experience in halls unforgettable!
  • Earn part of your Stellify Step up and Lead - The Stellify Award is an employability award supporting your career and personal development. By volunteering as a Hall Exec Rep this will go towards the Step up and Lead section of the Stellify programme.

How to volunteer?

Applications will be opening in September 2023 for Oct 23-Sept 24 roles. Click here to register your interest and find out more.

Hall Exec teams and student representation in halls – how does it all work?

Each Hall of Residence has its own Hall Exec Team, made up of Events Reps and Student Voice Reps. These volunteer student leaders work together as a team to create a community within the hall and ensure residents have the best student experience.

All students who live in the hall are automatically enrolled members of their Hall Exec Committee and the membership fee is included in your rent. The Exec Team use this money to run a variety of activities for all residents throughout the year (including socials, day trips, balls, cultural events, sporting activities, to name a few!). They also use this money to gain feedback from students within halls and represent their views to UOM Senior Management, the SU and beyond.

The Students’ Union and ResLife work together to support these teams throughout the year, providing training, guidance, support, and development opportunities to the Exec Teams.

Find details of your Hall Exec Team below. If you have any questions about your Hall Exec Team, please email us at halls.su@manchester.ac.uk or phone us on 0161 275 2987. Alternatively, you can pop in and see us in the Student Development Office on the first floor of the SU!

Check out our halls below

Living at Home Students

For information about living at home please click here
