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Allison HenryWelcome to our quarterly newsletter!

Greetings and a happy new semester to all! I hope you have had a chance to enjoy some restorative time during the holidays and curtailment week, whatever that looks like to you. Did you know that your emotional well-being plays a critical role in cybersecurity? It turns out that stressed and burnout-afflicted employees are prime targets for cyber threats, particularly the insidious tactics of phishing attacks. These attacks often include an element of urgency that can be difficult to catch when we're overloaded with work. So take a breather with us, and let's talk about how we can make our digital world a safer and happier place. 

With the new year comes another opportunity for us all to complete the UC system-wide required training UC Cyber Security Awareness Fundamentals. Log into Sum Total with your CalNet then select “Required Training” to view and access all necessary training.

~ Allison Henry, Chief Information Security Officer, Berkeley IT

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In the knowIn the Know: What’s happening in ISO & Berkeley IT

  • CDU & Pronouns: CalNet is building a new CalNet Directory Update application to show pronouns (which will be entered by students in BCS, employees in UCPath, and alumni in BCS or with the Registrar). This will also allow students and employees to hide their entire directory entry from the results of the directory lookup tool or simply hide pieces of information like email addresses or work phone numbers.

  • IS-3 Toolkit & Theme: We expect to share materials this spring for the first IS-3 annual theme, which is on workstation encryption. Each annual theme will focus on a key risk area relating to IS-3 and will provide information and actual tools to help units make progress in the focus area. Over time, we envision having a robust collection of tools and services to help units manage their information security risk. Keep an eye on our Cyber Risk Management Program Service page for updates.

  • ISO Staff Updates: (View the ISO org chart)

    • Join us in celebrating John Ives’ promotion to Security Operations Manager, which was effective Nov. 15. John graciously served as interim manager of the team for over 6 months before being selected as the new manager. Meet John Ives: After graduating from Berkeley, John began his career on campus in 1996 by joining the English department, before moving on to the College of Chemistry. In 2004, he began interning for Security (then called Systems and Network Security) and was hired permanently at the close of the internship. John has extensive experience in host and endpoint work and specializes in network security working on IDS and firewalls. In his off hours, John is on staff to the Diana Initiative (a conference dedicated to helping underrepresented populations in information security), enjoys snowboarding, LEGO assembly, and crafting cocktails and mocktails where he has started developing some original recipes.

    • Upcoming recruitments:

      • CalNet will be recruiting for a Sys Admin 3 and Data Analyst 2.
      • SecOps will be recruiting for two Information Security Analyst 2 roles.
      • Positions will be posted on the Berkeley IT jobs page.

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Top StoriesIn the News: Top Stories in Cyber Security+

UCPath Phish: Recently, people across the UC system received phishing emails about confirming their 401(k) contributions. This email led to a convincing replica of the UCPath homepage with links to fake login pages based on the actual Single Sign On page for each campus. At UC Berkeley that would be a fake CalNet authentication page. Besides the normal activity of requesting a username and password, the new site also requested they identify their security question (questions like ‘What’s your favorite book?’) and provide the answer. It then went on to request the mobile passcode from their Duo app. The mobile passcode is a long-term code that is in the Duo app and can be used as a second factor for authentication. This attack highlighted how attackers are upping their game. If you receive a phish, you can report it to If you fall victim to a phish, it sometimes happens to the best of us, please email

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Policy UpdatesPolicy Updates

IS-3 Information Security Program - Current & Upcoming Highlights

For FY 2023-24, our security teams are working with 36 units this year as part of the IS-3 Program. The fall cohort of units recently wrapped up, and we’re holding Unit Head orientations for the spring cohort in January. By the end of spring, all academic and administrative units will have completed their initial IS-3 onboarding, and early adopters will have completed at least one round of review! 

Also, see the “In the Know” section above for information about this year’s IS-3 annual theme.

Beginning FY 2024-25, the IS-3 program will be an ongoing program of regular reviews, annual themes, and enhanced metrics/reporting for units and Leadership. Units can expect to review their information in Socreg annually and to update their IS-3 self-assessment every 2-5 years (depending on the risk level of the unit). 

  • Please see the IS-3 Onboarding and Review Schedule for timing details, including a projected schedule through FY26. ISO will reach out to units with details and program support as each review period approaches.

  • Security Leads can expect to receive a poll this spring to help determine the best time of year for these reviews.

Updating the MSSEI

The revised MSSEI has completed the campus key stakeholder review. After addressing a few remaining items of feedback, the update will be sent out for full campus review to all employees via CalMessage later this month.

We continue to welcome any feedback on the proposed update (links below) - please help us identify any potential issues or concerns. We also welcome feedback on the prioritization of the requirements and the exception process, both included in the draft. Please use this feedback form (you can even be anonymous) or email

Full Draft | Annotated Draft | Roadshow Slides 

Other Information Security Policy Updates

A proposed consolidated Acceptable Use Policy that combines all of the various IT-related Acceptable Use Policies on campus into a single document is nearing completion. The Information Security and bIT Policy Offices are partnering on this effort. The next step is to determine what the campus review process will entail since no new policies are being introduced with this consolidation.

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