Ken Timmerman's
Threat Watch
Friday afternoon

Dear <<First Name>>,

What will 2024 hold in store for us?

While I am not a prophet or a son of a prophet, I do look at geopolitical signposts - wars and rumors of war - and the behavior of the leaders in major countries.

So here's what I see as the major trends that will play out in the geopolitical sphere this year.


Russia is stepping up its missile strikes on Ukrainian cities, including Kyiv, and has an overwhelming military advantage in terms of manpower and equipment. I believe Putin is trying to force Zelenskyy or his successor to the negotiating table.

Key elements to watch: can Russia keep its troops supplied with weapons, and will the U.S. step up military aid to Ukraine.


This is the big one. They are actively playing out the Ezekiel 38 alliance. As they grow closer, so does the Rapture?


The Iranian mullahs may have bitten off more than they can chew when they encouraged Hamas to invade Israel. They face numerous challenges, starting with ongoing anti-regime protests at home.

Militarily, their reliance on overseas proxies to attack Israel and the United States may be wearing thin. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah announced on Jan 4 that he didn't really want to throw his troops into the fray. While Hezbollah depends almost 100% on Iranian regime funding, Nasrallah is under tremendous pressure from Lebanese leaders not to bring about the destruction of the nation's infrastructure, as he did in 2006.

Israel, Hamas:

The Israelis have shown over the past three months that they will not bow to outside pressures to impose a ceasefire, so this war will continue for some time. Watch for more assassinations of Hamas leaders overseas, a lot of huffing and puffing from Iran and others, and no real retaliation. (Hint: all the Arab leaders want them dead).

Communist China:

I believe the current economic downturn in China will put a damper on the CCP's long-announced goal of "reintegrating" (or attacking) Taiwan, at least for this year. Keep your eyes on the Chinese economy.


Besides the stagflation that has become the hallmark of Socialist economies, some European leaders are railing against the uptick in migrant immigration. They say that 264,000 migrants in a year is too much - even though that's just one month of illegals flowing over our southern border under Biden! Watch for movement to repatriate migrants or find third country homes for them. And then the Euros will return to lunch.

The U.S. presidential election:

Yes, it will be Trump-Biden, and we know how each will govern. If Trump returns to the White House, we can expect a return to international stability, an end to the war in Ukraine, and the Iranian regime put back in its box. But - and it's a bit but - we can also look forward to widespread domestic unrest, since the Left has become absolutely hysterical about a likely Trump victory in November. The divide between Red States and Blue states will only widen.

I discuss all of this and more on this week's edition of Prophecy Today Weekend. As always, you can listen live at 1 PM on Saturday in the Jacksonville, Fl, area on 104.9 FM or 550 AM, or by using the Jacksonville Way Radio app. If you miss it, you can listen to the podcast here.

Yours in freedom,

PS: If you haven't yet ordered my latest book, Raising Olives in Provence, here's the link. Warning: This is what happens when your wife falls in love with a run-down house in a foreign country that is selling for twice the amount of your budget.

And if you have enjoyed the book already, don't forget to post your review! It makes a difference.

Ken Timmerman's 12th book of non-fiction, AND THE REST IS HISTORY: Tales of Hostages, Arms Dealers, Dirty Tricks, and Spies, is now available from PostHill Press. 

AND THE REST IS HISTORY can be ordered directly from Amazon by clicking here or by viewing my author's page, here. 

- Republican nominee for Congress, Maryland District 8 (2012)
- National Security and Foreign Policy Advisory Board, Trump for President 2016
- President & CEO, Foundation for Democracy in Iran,
- Nobel Peace Prize nominee, 2006
Cell: 301-675-7922
Follow me on Twitter @kentimmerman
Facebook: ken timmerman

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